
Häftlinge bedrohen JVA-Mitarbeiter concrete

Häftlinge bedrohen JVA-Mitarbeiter concrete

Michael Reck is a member of the Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) Ravensburg Hinzistobel through the middle of the Wahl. If the Abteilungsdienststeten have a problem, there will be no more problems.

There is an expert and consultation partner who is part of the JVA-beispielsweise Schlägerei-gibt or Drogen that are financed.

“If there is a village where my colleagues from the internal police are. My fan post from the prisoners is rare,” it says.

Zugriffs techniques were protected

Used will be a problem in the cut of the week. Often there are descaling conversations. Reck said: “I think I will die the Wahl, if the wool comes from the wool, or if he will bring sollen. If the regulation works, the best immunity is the most important for most people.”

If you are not busy with your lectures, the Mitglieder spezieller Einsatzgruppen can become so that they become German. It is necessary to protect the Zugriffstechniken and Selbstverteidigung. If the JVA comes in, no one has the power to expand the business.

Hemmschwelle der Insassen has sunk

The Hemmschwelle der Insassen was policy by the JVA-Personals, which was sunk. Moreover, it is a fact that someone else can rule and others will be different. Anders geht es nicht”, so Reck. It is possible to make mistakes, which have a heavy influence on the consequences.

Here you can find the workshops and kitchen of the Justizvollzugsanstalt Ravensburg.

Here you can find the workshops and kitchen of the Justizvollzugsanstalt Ravensburg. (Photo: Stefanie Rebhan)

When the age of 44 is reached, it is still not the case that one of the few people distances himself and respects. There is talk of this Entwicklung as a mirror image of the Society, in the transgression or other Values ​​are remitted as früher.

Another change has begun with the Sorge: It is more of a young Straftäter. In Hinzistobel now the man is not educated, it is a Jugendabteilung. Derzeit since 457 Menschen zwischen 14 und 84 Jahren in Ravensburg inhaftiert.

If the planting plants are used over the years, the JVA Platz will be used for around 700 Insassen. From “Huhnerdieb to Mörder” everything is now available.

I think about it, I learned everything, but then something new comes up again.

Michael Reck

Then with Michael Reck who has never been in one of the 240 cases, while he uses all Widrigkeiten, mache dem funvachen Vater der Beruf Spaß. “Everyone Tag is different, perhaps it was not so clear about country keys and characters. “I always think, I have experienced everything, but I still pass through everything,” he says.

See the heartbeat of a mouse

The Letzten Ausbruch has been going on for about 15 years, as a fan in a Mülllaster versteckt and damit aus dem Areal mitgefahren. The Security Technology has found an enormous amount of work. All vehicles, the JVA-verlassen etwa, müssen durch een Bereich fahren, der self de Herzschlag een Maus anzeigen würde. Seit der Fertigstellung des Gefängnisses 1982 habe es aber ohnehin nicht een handful Ausbrüche gegeben.

Michael Reck lost his job at the Justizvollzugsanstalt three years later than the age of 23.

Michael Reck lost his job at the Justizvollzugsanstalt three years later than the age of 23. (Photo: Stefanie Rebhan )

A problem that occurs as Drogen. Man can no longer check details. The goods are no longer sold and sold. Michael Reck said that Alphatier is his Gefangenen-Abteilung.

It is a hierarchical structure within the national history structure. So longing for Russian Häftlinge von ihren Landsleuten regularly Abgaben. “Given that Bildung dieser Subkulturen, man is practically powerless,” says Reck.

And against streaks. The targeted effect, which draws attention to itself, but its functionality is not completely bridgeable. Many must be reconciled with double and triple dreams. Then die backsliding possibilities fall.

Forklift brown structure

It could be that the JVA gets into the low situation and is healthy. Hinzistobbel is an Ausbildungsbetrieb, in the Insassen Schreiner, KfZ-Mechaniker or Schlosser were done. Auch den Schulabschluss can be used.

If the money is there, it is so that the things they do are completely completed with a bet, a Schrank and a Tisch and a Stuhl. Round 200 Euro earns a sum of money.

The fact that it is all so heavy, that the human structure is a problem, is determined by its resocialization. “Of course it is worth it, a man can make a living and lead a life or a Straftaten-führen. Das ist alles vergebene Liebesmüh”, said Michael Reck.

A large part of the fan genes do not return after the Free Passage, but they become a human being, the bill lasts 23 years.

The legal module works first to determine the price. The Anlage would be difficult to find, bis schließlich etwa 700 Insassen Platz.

The legal module works first to determine the price. The Anlage would be difficult to find, bis schließlich etwa 700 Insassen Platz. (Photo: Stefanie Rebhan)

Be very careful with washing and sashing. The following distance must be changed. Reck: “A best friend dares not to be.”

Difficult situations, such as the broader position of the fangenen, can make a choice from one of the insassen, bespreche man in the team. Everyone must have a ventilation for themselves. With Michael Reck ist es Wandern, Sport or Zeit with Freunden-words.

Campaign “Der Mensch dahinter”

Die Geschichte von Michael Reck gehört zur Kampagne “Der Mensch dahinter”. If people in the Fokus are rücksichtlose, die in their turmoil or experience the Ehrenamt, respektlose Verhalten and Gewalt.

Your actions were carried out in a certain phase. This can be viewed for four weeks on September 11 in the Medienhaus der Schwäbische Zeitung in Ravensburg.

Unterstützt will be the Ausstellung vom new Verein „Gemeinsam sicher im Landkreis Ravensburg“, of which the Kriminalprävention itself will be written.