
Communities – Verband: Immer mehr Dörfer in Hesse haben keine Gaststätte – Quiet

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – In Hesse there is always more entertainment and guest accommodation. In the year 2017, we lived in the country for 19 years in our country, with little to no profit as a result of our 1,000 living quarters, who would be happy with our guest house, with the support of the management of the hotel and guest associations of the Hessen, Oliver Kasties, of Anfrag e. Since 2021, there will be 42 community members, so you can continue to enjoy business. Die Quotation der unterversorgten Gemeinden steigt von 4.5 Prozent (2017) auf 9.9 Prozent (2021), wie Kasties ergänzte. Current statistical data do not lie before.

“The guest house is a massive damage to the country’s environment,” an explanation of the Dehoga-Hauptgeschäftsführer. If the Gründe nennt is that the Federal Government decides on the benefits of the Gastro-Mehrwertsteuer and strong gestiegene costs. Roads of the unimaginable pressures sink the guests and damage to their surroundings. Viele Menschen könnten seich als Folge der Steuererhöhung Essen im Restaurant nicht more leisten, sagt Kasties. These are the consequences of the Nachfolger in den Betrieben.

Erfolgsmodell aus Schlangenbad-Bärstadt

Everything is also positive Beispiele in Hesse, etwa in Taunus-Örtchen Schlangenbad-Bärstadt. Dort was born in the village community with a great sense of community, and therefore lived here in the village. Wirtschaftlich stehe die „VolksWirtschaft Lindehof“ stabilized, grateful to the first President Stefan Münzer. The project is not yet a success, but also strengthened. Die Rendite für die Genossenschaftler gebe es in flüssiger Form – als Freibier bei der jährlichen Generalversammlung.

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