
Nestlé-Aktie dreht ins Plus: CEO Schneider geht – Nachfolger funds | 23.08.24

Nestlé-Aktie dreht ins Plus: CEO Schneider geht – Nachfolger funds | 23.08.24

Go to the kitchen department to help a chef. Mark Schneider is with his companies almost for a soft verlassen, Laurent Freixe is übernimmt das Steuer. Analysts who didn’t even have a clue were the new Mann at Nestlé. Fewest is no problem.

At 8.05 am the title fell into public trade at Julius Bär for 2.6 percent at a mid-point of 87.10 francs. If you see the SMI value in Minus, there is 0.5 percent of the value in confusion.

JPMorgan was skeptical in German when he didn’t see his own new CEO anymore. Denn Laurent Freixe brings a great performance of 4 years in the group, a great variety of lonely ranges and geschäfte of Nestlé with. Daher was a sich seine Ernennung begrüsst, so the analysts. When the investors of a company that went to work at Nestlé, an unreliable and raw chef fragment would get on the market, it was the best way to do this.

It is unclear for JPMorgan, with a new firm chief doing his job, it was one of the most brutal operations of the Unternehmen. After the tragedy in the half-year history, it is still an insecurity with a view to the Entwicklung in the Gesamtjahr period of 2024 and in 2025 between 2024 and 2025. If the new management is clear about the other way, you can put pressure on the activities.

The UBS knows that it is the man who monitors the gigantic enormous size of his energy with his negative influence on a Wechsel and the Spitze, which does not last that long. Freixe see the Investors gut and will be happy 2016 as potential follower of Paul Bulcke acts. Insgesamt sei seine Ernennung nun als beruhigend and as Signal zurten, dass Nestlé zu seinen Wurzeln zurückkehre.

Dennoch is a natural some attack fraud, which the UBS-zumindeste teilweise of the conference call has disabled. For example, the long period of 62 years in which the CEO post was filled. If the Margenziele comes to the market, there is a strategic punk with the expansion of the vitamin business. You can use a restrukturierungprogramma.

“Big Bang” and “Back to the roots” are the titles of Vontobel expert Jean-Philippe Bertschy. It is most likely that you have instructed a class of analysts. As soon as the nesting at Nestlé is untouched, it will not be in the tradition of Nestlé, but abruptly this will happen. Jedenfalls see the re-examinations for the new Mann and the Spitze-omfangreich. Radical changes are not at all Bertschy. A specific issue has been taken into account when refocusing on the markers and the consumer products. In the fall, Nestlé has now become more stable, one of the investors who is involved in it for a long time.

Nestlé Action in the Spotlight

The unannounced CEO-CEO at Nestlé on Thursday evening did not respond well to the market at first. It is a fact that the analysts have made a new analysis of the results and the market that can recover. At least Laurent Freixe does not comment.

At the time, Nestlé’s stocks lost SIX deutlich an estimation. If your trading partner has reached its turnover, the value is 0.11 percent higher at 89.54 francs.

Likewise, Laurent Freixe’s Wahl to the analyst’s new CEO has received a more positive turn. Grateful for a quick four-year Tätigkeit in the Group brings a wide variety of different areas and businesses of Nestlé with, writes and JPMorgen in a commentary.

The beautiful Wechsel and the Spitze are worth more information about the new Geschäftsverlauf. Zuletzt hatte das Unternehmen met seinem operatorn Ergebnis eher enttäuscht and de Aktie hat seit Jahresbeginn deutlich and Wert lost.

Baader analysts have let the fast Wahl know a number of internal candidates of a new external chef and the negative market experience. “For us could die as Botschaft minds became, who have received the idea of ​​stabilization and not long fresh with new ideas of change”, he continues.

If you keep an eye on the developments of the new Mann and the Spitze, Vontobel writes in a commentary. Radical changes are not to be expected from the new boss, however. Free stands together for continuity. If it is so hard, Nestlé is now ready for all stability, one of the shares of the investors who earn their money.

Laut der ZKB ist die Auf für Freixe nicht einfach. If the new company gets the chance, and the market for its sale. It takes a long time before you have a great internal knowledge and industry knowledge. Die vom ZKB analysts predict a positive reaction to the trade that has not entered. If the market is still not fully verdaut, you can penetrate the Blatt in the Laufe des Tages even longer.

Also the analyst call can make sure that the market is not yet so high. Freixe gab over the analysts for all the soul out, the performance improves again and the market share gains of want. The annual forecast will not work anymore.

Zurich (awp international)