
Careful – these types of products are used as medicine

Careful – these types of products are used as medicine

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Careful – these types of products are used as medicine
The best thing is that you are used medicinally. © Cavan Images/Image

Honey has many health benefits. There are no types of similarities. Honest is no longer healthy, because it is used Mediterranean.

Frankly speaking, there is nothing more wrong with the brother – there is a very healthy diet. How can a man be the best in a healthy integration? Do not let the golden dough melt. Manche Sorting is possible as other. A best choice can be made in the properties of medizinisch used, schreibt heidelberg24.dand

Was it gesünder, Waldhonig or Bienenhonig?

Honey should be used as a healing agent for small and large Leiden. In Husten and Heiserkeit the medicines and working with medicines and antibiotics are effective. Take care of the heart and the remains of your body and take care of diabetes mellitus, blutsziekte and lipid metabolism disorders. Make sure that the substance of AOK is put on the Airway.

Gerade bitter types contain among other things the flavonoids and phenols. It was all forest honey, it was a way in which Zucker was included as flower honey. When flower honey is obtained from the nectar of flowers, while forest honey is obtained from the Honigtau, separations of leaves, which from the fermentation juice different forest trees emerge.

Welcher Honig is the best and best?

Among the homely honey is the healthy forest honey. If it is not good, the flower honey is no longer present. Gerade Linden honey is one of the best vitamins that contains vitamin B1. It is wise to use the honey that is poisoned, so that it is no longer burned. When burned, the healthy plant substances are lost very quickly.

If you are thinking a little, if you have an honest idea. One of the best that honey deserves is a place on the tip of the healthiest types: Manuka honey. This is so powerfully antibacterial, that it is in the region in Neuseeland, while there are strains, that have been used as Arznei for years. Honey also owes its special properties, that whoever this food remedy is eternally sustainable, as writes.

Welcher Honig wants to make an effort?

Manuka Honey discovered that Methylglyoxal (MGO), a substance with strong antibacterial effects, is not found in original honeys in this mixture. Therefore, Manuka Honey is particularly grim stuff. was opened in Germany to work with a strength rating sold. On the glass is a number, who is 8+, 10+ or ​​13+, afraid, who the antibiotic effect of the honey is.

Everything is possible at Lebensmitteln als Arznei immer Vorsicht geboten. Medical Manuka-Honig is sterilized. If Lebensmittel verkaufte Gläser kan dagegen Verunreinigungen enthalten, de Entzündungen sogar verschlimmern können. If it is good, mistakes are likely to be made. The real deal now comes with the Siegeln of the Verband “Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association” and “Australian Manuka Honey Association”

In Welchem ​​​​Honig is a Zucker man?

If you are honest about Zucker, you can best spend your life on 80 percent of the “weißen Gift”. A smaller part, which is carried out on four products, consists of vitamins, proteins, enzymes and minerals. The rest is water. If Zucker is also struggling, it will not be the case that the Honey Ordinance prescribes that honey in general contains a high 20 percent water. It is not the case that the food is done more as an honest purchase.

It is not possible to remove the sugars from glucose and fructose. Honey types, the remaining amounts of glucose enthalten, crystallize faster. Make sure that the honey contains all the truth after more fructose for a day. If you want to beat a larger part of sugar, it is not that the List of the Lebensmittel has to do with the consequences of sugar.

Is a Löffel Honey in the Evening healthy?

So maybe a little healthier than some, it’s better if you find you still have a bigger share of Zucker. Laut Deutscher Gesellschaft für Ernährung sollte man taglich höchstens 50 Gramm Zucker verzehren. It is a source of Esslöffeln Honig. Statt des abendlichen Löffels puren Zuckers as quickly as possible on the gesündeste Abendessen zurückgreifen.

If there is a good antibiotic treatment, it is so that he is in the Arznei in the first place. For the tatsächliche treatment of Wunden and Krankheiten the statistics are a thing that can be sucked. Who is honest, is an expert. (poot)

This article is nice and full of legend information about a theme that is carried out and is not for a self-diagnosis or -treatment geeignet. For healthy descriptions should test a doctor.