
Alternative: So many Minutes of Sport am Tag reichen, so you will live longer

Alternative: So many Minutes of Sport am Tag reichen, so you will live longer

Sports is healthy. Is the attention not so big, do you have a positive effect on the health of your health? Are you busy with spinning or can you dream even more of a home workout?

A study from the US said: Sports activities and sports activities are related to each other. The country has done a study on the US National Health Interview Survey.

Between 1997 and 2013, the researchers and researchers examined 350,978 adults, as many sports as they could do each week. About how long the history of history can last, how long it can last and how fragmentation can disappear: “Which experience would last longer?

Who fell Sport high, live longer?

Forscherinnen und Forscher der Mayo Clinic wollen es genauer eraser. Die good Nachricht before: Fell Sport never fell. Once you are here, then man is 2.6 and 4.5 years old for Woche Sport training, a 40 percent higher Lebenserwartung is als Menschen, de keinen Sport training.

For the Auswertung-griffen the Forscherinnen and Forscher on the dates of the “Copenhagen City Heart Study” zurück. Insgesamt werteten sie de Angaben von 8.697 Personen zwischen 20 und 93 Jahren aus, de angegeben hatten, wie die zijn zijn pro Woche Sport treiben.

Of course, the best results are from other factors of life, from the operating system, the power and the inability of the gene. Dennoch says that the study, the sport can increase the chance of a long life.

These sports skills are a long and healthy lifestyle

The sports activities of the professional tires are suitable for football, tennis, cycling, handball, badminton, jogging and kraft training with weights. Which Sportart is the best, can not find the American Forscher reports.

Here comes a new study into play: Researchers and researchers from the Tohoku University School of Medicine in Japan were able to prove in a study that for all Muskel training of risk, a Schlaganfall, Diabetes or Krebs of death, one of 17 percent is sent.

Many sports can cause damage

Life is no longer possible while exercising. If you have done a research, it is a matter of penetrating a little bit into a Drittel. Anyway, it is a matter of doing. I am Zweifelsfall sollte man immer auf seinen Körper hören.