
Hohe Kosten – Luftfahrt erwartet weniger Flugangebot

Hohe Kosten – Luftfahrt erwartet weniger Flugangebot

They will also look into the air transport industry for the transportation of German Airports. “These additional costs were also due to the Winter Flugplan 4 Millionen Sitzplätze costs,” said the Head of the German Air Transport Association (BDL), Joachim Lang, of the Tageszeitung “Welt”. Neben der Steuererhöhung nannte is als Kostenfactor de Gebuhren voor Sicherheitskont rolen en Flugsicherung, die zich in Deutschland wiletzt verdoppelt hätten. In other Ländern these Germans are also smaller. “When the airline starts, it is an undertaking that is still not successful, to fly to Germany.”

Zuletzt hatte der Irish Billigflieger Ryanair de Bundesregierung aufgefordert, de erhöhte Luftverkehrssteuer zurückzunehmen. Anderefalls became the Fluggesellschaft in his time of the German Flughäfen in the summer a new production or 1.5 million Sitzplätze became smaller and in the federal states with a lower cost base. Europe’s passenger-richest air transport company longs for the absenkte Gebühren for the Flugsicherung and an overview of the bereitsbeschlossene Gebührenerhöhung for the Air Safety Controls for Passengers and the Flughäfen. Long ago played by Ryanair-Vorstoß. “That sounds good to me after being pressed, without any consequences. Man sollte ihm (Ryanair Chief Eddie Wilson) thank you, that’s Klartext again.”

Long is Anfang Juli’s new BDL-Hauptgeschäftsführer. It must be ensured that the Federal Government uses the purchase of the old Luftverkehrssteuer for the alternative alternative flugkraftstof, which is carried out in the colonial sector. The sum of two billion euros, “in our own sector to decarbonise”, so long. “The Federal Government must now take two billion people into its hands, which they will not come to us.” The Ampel Government has introduced the Ticket Steuerwegen der Haushaltskrise. The connection with the Passengerflüge is that the German Flughäfen is abheben.