
Formal 1 | Norris laughs about Start-Misere

Formal 1 | Norris laughs about Start-Misere

Ausgerechnet in Feindesland Lando Norris goes into the Sonntag an important Lebenszeichen in WM-Kampf against Red-Bull-Rivale Max Verstappen! For the Oranje-Fans in Zandvoort they were victorious after 72 Runden der Mann in Papaya: Norris won two Grand-Prix-Sieg after Miami in May.

It is a little more time for the British, it is so often a schwachen Start erwischt. Unglaublich: After each second start of the pole (four times in the race, two times in the sprint), you will not be able to get rid of Norris!

But that’s the truth about the McLaren-Star davon nicht beirren: “Nachdem I’m on the road in the Kurve is a lost place, I’m extremely rough. Vielleicht, weil I’m in a bisschen daran gewöhnt bin, that’s the start after hinting geht” , laughs Norris after dem Rennen.

From Ex-Formel1-Pilot and TV-Experte Martin Brundle gibt es dafür ein Extralob: “There is no loss of the head, if there is that fuhrung lost. Stattdessen is sich darauf eingelassen, seine Reifen nicht überbeansprucht in diesen frühen Runden hinter Max “, explanation of the Brite at Sky.

Lob for Norris: “Ein Sieg wie in dem Lehrbuch”

“There is then a single pace that you can enjoy, in your own art and culture, over the entire race,” Brundle lobs, and as a result, he says: there is no star in the first war, the war is a Formel-1-Sieg with the Lehrbuch.”

With a look at the little Schönheitsfehler at Start, Norris himself declares: “I was happy with the environment, even though I had no problems, and since I was over it, I was now able to do it. And that was the case, it was easy for me to do that. ich ich Make sure you save and enjoy the pace you choose.”

The answer to the letztere fragment fell for Norris as follows: “Schon nach gut zehn Runden konnte ich etwas auf Max aufholen, da bekam ik de Zuverszicht, dass I in auf der Strecke überholen kann. I then had two Möglichkeiten: Both of the first wars I’m not happy with it, but in the last days I’m happy.”

The power Norris has gained is the temptation of the racing beginner, but McLaren has become more natural after the losses for the long-term misery on the first meters. Blackly, Norris writes in the question, was a team that started with the following: “Have no driving wheels.”

But the British are always aware that this is not the case: “Sonst hätte I am a better person,” says Norris: “We will know more about the details, but we will also know more about the details.” Feinheiten.”

Norris: McLaren-Pace “a neat überraschung”

A general problem with this team will never be erased, but teammate Oscar Piastri has no intention of meeting Fleck: “Well, we both won’t know what we did, but it’s a big problem that happened, or we’ve made a clear mistake.” After all, it seems that the Starters are still not so good, “who will he take”.

“If there is a race, that is a fast start and a better start, otherwise as all the other things, that is a passion since”, said Norris, of itself as a schlechteren Starter einstuft als Stallgefährte Piastri, with a look at the Starting problem: “Given that I have been able to get the best results, but it is still not the right size to arrive.”

If the result of the results is achieved in a different way, it is likely that the form of the McLaren Teams will be shaped: “I didn’t start, but the war starts a war and I can start with Max right on my goal. I didn’t want to know that the pace was so good, however war it was – it was a good thing, the war was a neat Überraschung”, Norris reveals.

“If I then see war, war, I see it, I could push it and have the whole race with good traffic, I could die Reifen etwas clean, I could have a good Rhythmus”, so the Briton, the future of the Führungsübernahme in Runde 18 nicht more in the Rückspiegel scale: “The car itself is fantastic, very generous. It makes our life naturally lighter, also greater. Thanks to the team.”

That’s why it was a good experience, because of the fact that the Tagessieger jedenfalls nicht siechnet: “Nach stern were we naturally aware, because the pace was grim signals, we would have a long run-pace at the end of the war. After that we stop now. or the eleven Runden, who was little man, was a Rennen über 72 Runden passert.”

Greater Vorsprung der Saison: Trotzdem keine Dominanz?

Deshalb, Norris with Blick sets the pace of the competition, all for Verstappen, fest: “It’s not like this, that’s what we’re here and thinking about: we can make it through the stretch and then enjoy the luck.” Ganz in policy: “It has never been a war, but that control is possible and allowed, it was my will,” says the McLaren-Star: “Everything that is power is a great unterchied.”

Am Sonntag puts dieser in Ziel satte 22,9 Sekunden, ist damit der grote Vorsprung eines Rennsiegers in dieser Saison – en gemeinsam mit der Tatsache, dass Norris auf über 40 Runden alten Reifen im letzten Umlauf mal eben die schnellste Rennrunde hinknallt, een Beleg für McLarens works Dominanz in der Formel 1.

“Yes, we have a great experience”, it is best to speak to Norris himself, because McLaren is proud of the fastest package – all things will be said of the Brite: “Heute, and our own journey, we will have the best car. die Saison) with Sicherheit das beste Auto.”

“When there is no longer a dominant car, the punkt der saison is at work. When a man starts riding on a car – and a small Leute es nicht wollen – aber Max war immer noch sehr schnell in Ungarn, seine Pace war sehr grim “There are no good things to run,” says Norris.

The Briton said: “We have more information, see more than the people who turn around, therefore we can deal with more facts than the people on TV.” So Lauret Norris’ conclusion: “I am Schnitt who has the best car. I could win more than once as a team, but that will never happen, we will get a track that is a great war.”

The summer break will be a man who has been busy for a while now, “a stride back, and a new start of the machine”. Was Norris not near the Tatsache, then the man who had received “a big car”. With these simple upgrades, the following things can be done – erfgreich, with the comfortable Sieg in the following way.

First major upgrades in Miami: McLaren not ready yet

Anyone who opts for McLaren at the time is aware of the fact that Norris’s follow-up is true: “I am happy with the results, we have been living with these upgrades since they could have been upgraded. They are happy here, but they are much quicker”, the WM explains. -Sweite nach der Zieldurchfahrt.

As Criticism of the Team, however, there are no mistakes to be made, entirely in terms of communication: “The upgrades that have been brought have helped a few small things. It is not that it was brought, and then there was an infringement. We have brought it, and it is that it happened that way”, while the 24-year-old boy saw the Tatsache, the McLaren blessing that went to work with his thoughts.

“Wir had welded our time, that was the first upgrade since Miami. Yes, we were able to move around a small Sachen, aber more small scaffolding, and not, was Performance brought. Many others have done that, that since we were in a clearer way If you’ve fallen down the ranks, while you’re enjoying the part and those upgrades, you’ll find yourself no longer satisfied.”

Norris said: “It is true that the first time, we will continue to have a car, but we will also be able to use it. And that is the final decision. However, it is not so, if we were to have the two monate not bewerbsfähig gewesen. See Miami was with the Schnellsten in Budapest, and also with others, such as Barcelona or Silverstone.’

When the time comes, you see the “little thing”, the raw device. “And damn it, whoever has the car is sure to have made a move after having a power grab. Our new tailwing for the sake of example, which I probably helped today, a Max will come through.”

Allein: Is the fragmentation visible, who is that, that Norris has never done a new work or is still a Verstappen favorite in the WM? “I have been successful throughout my years in my world, it is not so, I have had a good relationship with each other, otherwise I have worked well in my life,” winks Norris Ab.

“But I am still 70 points behind Max. It is also very stupid to think about what happened (in the direction of the world championship) at the moment”, says the McLaren star: “I can easily do what I am. It has no sense if you are ashamed, and you will be grateful for the interest you have at this moment, while you have an idea of ​​how to put this question to your question.’