
Aktionstag in Ilmenau: Connecting People with Art and Culture – Ilmenau

Aktionstag in Ilmenau: Connecting People with Art and Culture – Ilmenau

In the Vielfalt der Unterschiede Gemeinsamkeiten recognise – that is the Soul of the Action Stages “Miteinander stärken”, zu the Kuko-Verein with the Kreisjugendring and the House of Resources Thuringia understützt of the City of Ilmenau and we for you anyway fell other Actenuren on the Wetzlarer Platz eingeladen hatte. During interactive workshops, information stands, Mitmach-Aktionen, Kultur-Programm and Networking-Moglichkeiten, new contacts were established and developed, said Tanja Schmidt from Hause of Resources.