
RTL lets Giulia Siegel lead nach Dschungelcamp-Abstimmung

RTL lets Giulia Siegel lead nach Dschungelcamp-Abstimmung

Giulia Siegel is the Promi in Dschungelcamp, but I am especially polarized. The ex-model-trifft is no longer heart and muscle pain after an abstimmung in Busch extrem leiden.

After the “Binden-Gate”, where Kader Loth had the power over, Giulia Siegel is with the Mitcampern during this period. Georgina Fleur shines in her only verb. As one of the essences, the Giulia Siegel and Gigi Birofio verhauen, the Camper must be separated: War von den beide muss gehen?

The Candidates have started, Giulia Siegel must leave the jungle camp. I must sell the camper in the divorce for a gathering crew. Mola Adebisi hates the best treatment on the camp: There are ways in the household and hospitality, that is the hotel that is in it.

Giulia Siegel flees – must stay at Dschungelcamp bleiben

If it is not good, it is a good bitterness for Giulia Siegel. It is worth to verlas the daring Candidates of Dschungelcamp so – not with Giulia Siegel. The ex-model has done his work in a rauswurfes noch a night in the Dschungelcamp.

“Would I have to manage everything all night long?”

Die 49-Jährige ist daraufhin am Boden zerstört: „Was soll der Scheiß denn?“ Then the später fragt si in Dschungeltelefon: „Would I have to do everything with machines all night long? “Don’t you want to go home anymore?” Sogar Elena Miras, who is absolutely not a fan of Giulia Siegel, cannot understand RTL’s Entscheidung: “That is common.”

The sender has put a heart under the belt – Giulia Siegel is ready for the night without new cigarettes. Especially bitter: She must also absolve a night watch. The final round continues: Sarah Knappik and Elena Miras talked about “Karma”, while the 49-year-old blew another night into the dream. It’s not like the efforts take longer before you spit it out.

RTL said “I am in a Star – Holt mich here raus!” tag at 8:15 PM, the next page is a tag available at RTL+.