
Krimi with dramatic Schlussakkord in the Endspiel

Krimi with dramatic Schlussakkord in the Endspiel

Oberberg – In one of the finals of the BSP Cups, Gelpe/Strombach held off SSV Nümbrecht, who defeated Oberhand – replaying in the game on the platz drei.

HC Gelpe/Strombach – SSV Nümbrecht 27:26 (11:9).

Beinahe hätte Lars Rostalski experiences his personal “Dika Mem-Moment”. Neun Sekunden were in Endspiel des BSP-Cups, Oberberg’s great Handball-Vorbereitungsturnier, between the HC Gelpe/Strombach and the SSV Nümbrecht nor zu spielen, as HC-Trainer Markus Murfuni after a Fehlwurf von Nümbrechts Linkshänder Niklas Witthaut seine Letzte Auszeit nahm – Spielstand 27:26 for the regional leaders.


(With eight Tower war Jannik Lang kaum zu stop.)

Stubbornly the game seems to be played. When you see the French superstar in the Olympia-Viertelfinal against Deutschland, while the HC-Kreisläufer goes through the false Entscheidung, you can dribble in the direction of his own Tower and the ball of Tim Hartmann. This last leg eventually parried Torhüter Islam Elnoamany. There are many protests that play a HC game at the action in the Kreis, which is unheard – the view of the referee remains stumm. There is a dramatic war going on under 60 minutes.

It was followed: Grenzenloser Jubel der Gelb-Grünen from Gelpe/Strombach, the man noted, that was the result of the lost Kreispokalendspiel im Mai nicht wieder gegen de Dauerrivals in Nümbrecht verlieren wollen. Murfuni spoke about the next day’s kickoff for the season start: “It is a toll that has become a nuisance in the region. While there was a miraculous probe for the saison, the youngster had to be 100 prosent in a successful game.”

(Islam Elnoamany said that everything before the break was a strong Leistung and war in the final phase in the individual moments of the war.)

Nümbrechts Coach Manuel Seinsche has had a great game and fand, because the team minds have a long-term commitment: “This last action is naturally very difficult, but we will meet in the last few minutes – especially in Überzahl – but it will be a matter of valuable entscheidungen . So in a game we separate thennn a small thing, but we can live with it, so we can continue.”

During the breaks both Abwehrreihen can dominate. Over 2:3 (10.), 6:4 (17.) and 8:8 (25.) were the Paraden of HC-Keeper Elnoamany, who were the disinterested powers in the course of time. After the game had started, Alexander Orth was now a small party. At 15:13 (36.) the game starts at 18:20 (45.). There is no more war for Julian Mayer, the Rook is as good as the Oberligist has not disappeared.

(Not only is Tore one of the active posts at HC: Shooter Mike Heinzerling.)

In the Schlussminuten kam Nümbrecht gleich zweimal in Überzahl, konnte dalaus aber nichts machen – with bekanntem Endergebnis. Murfuni sprach von einem nicht unverdienten sieg and sammelte voor allem defensiv weightige reckenntnisse: In the 6:0-Abwehr haben wir zu einfache Tore cashiert, unsere offensive Variante war after a wichtig Factor and funktioniert immer better. Saison voraus: „The League is still not able to settle down, wollen with these grim things are of course genauso mihalten who heute.“

Gelpe/Strombach: Julian Mayer (12/3), Mike Heinzerling (7), Malte Meinhardt (3), Jerome Draeger, Lukas Altjohann, Finn Feuerbach, Leonard Viebahn, Heinrich Walch (you 1).

Number law: Jannik Lang (8), Marcel Miebach (4), Niklas Witthaut, Tim Hartmann, Dominik Donath (your 3), Fabian Benger, Tobias Schröter (your 2), Johannes Urbach (1).

HC Gelpe/Strombach II – HBD Löwen Oberberg 32:23 (17:12).

Big scale in the small endgame of the BSP-Cups. Not the Oberliga-Handballer of HBD Löwen Oberberg, son of the Verbandsligist HC Gelpe/Strombach II dared to use a small Siegerpokal-freuen. A bad way that HC-Trainer Daniel Rodriguez deserves in the game is: “The war is a high reward. Of course the Löwen failed which Säuls, but we were also not complete.” The Löwen should not only supervise the private prevention Trainer Maik Thiele, for the Manuel Jäger the Coaching übernahm, son of Nils Welke, Luis Villgrattner and Julian Krieg. This is the way the game is an ausgelassene geburtstagsfeier vom Vorabend in den Beinen.

(Niklas Witthaut übernahm trotz seines youngen Alters schon veld Verantwortung.)

Gelpe/Strombach was aware of the following: Over 4:0 (8.) and 8:3 (17.) they were part of the Verbandsligist when the Pause was a solid 17:12-Führung erspelt. When the back is at the lowest point of time, it is no longer possible to leave a Torhüter Alen Caber, while the Parade lasts longer. If the Gelpe/Strombach match is active, the team is at 21:15 (38.) to 30:16 (49.) davon. Rodriguez responded to the bilious 5:1 Deckung Seiner Mannschaft: “Wir als Trainerteam is very happy. Those Jungs machen einen tollen Job.”

Gelpe/Strombach II: Luca Reuber (7), Marius Euteneuer (5), Paul Roth, Lasse Jürges (je 4), Konrad Toelstede (4/2), Julian Kolken (3), Felix Soldanski, Maurice Ginczek (je 2), Vincent Rinker (1).

HBD Lions: Anthony Hudak-Domokos (7), Thorben Schneider (4), Till Malek (3), Daniel Rischikov, Marcel Mesenhöler (your 2), Alen Caber, Marcel Neese, Nils Meier, Marc Erlinghagen, Timon Dax (your 1).