
If you are in juvenile arrest, you will receive no citizen money

If you are in juvenile arrest, you will receive no citizen money

Zählt Jugendarrest als Freiheitsentziehung? Yes, so that’s LSG Niedersachsen-Bremen. A citizen’s money recipient has to pay 400 euros to the Job Center in Zurückzahlen. Wegen-grundsätzlicher Bedeutung der Sache ist aber Revision zugelassen.

The Landessozialgericht Niedersachsen-Bremen (LSG) in Celle has a legal basis for positioning and entschieden, which results in a Jugendarrest during the Ausschluss von Grundsicherungsleistungen fuhrt (Urt. v. 20.06.2024, Az. L 11 AS 117/24).

In the fall it is a young man from Peine, the citizen money is seen and to a bet. There is a way a judge can decide on the Jugendgerichtsgesetz. If you appeal to the Jobcenter, the Mann citizen money is first put on hold after you have made the arrest. It is worth involving the job center in the citizen money for the money growth of the month.

I earned money for the two weeks, the Mann in Jugendarrest Saß, for 400 Euro gezahlte Leistungen zurück. The nocturnal Rückforderung-stützte is formally based on § 48 Abs. 1 S. 2 Sozialgesetzbuch Zehntes Buch (SGB 2 No. 3 SGB II and § 330 Abs. 3 S. 1 and 4 SGB III. Daran hatte das LSG später in Verfahren auch nichts auszusetzen.

Die Musik in diesem Fall plays dageggen in der material-rechtlichen Ausschlussregulation des § 7 Abs. 4 SGB II. When we no longer received citizen money, we had been “in a stationary einrichtung unfocused”. The Aufenthalt in a station is oriented to S. 2 of the Norm of the Aufenthalt in a “Einrichtung zum Vollzug Richterlich angeordneter Freiheitsentziehung gleichgestellt.”

LSG: Auch Jugendarrest is un Freiheitsentziehung iSd SGB II

The man, the youth arrest who does this, is part of the resignation of the Jobcenters. So the autumn letztlich for the LSG.

This argument is: a judge is not a fine and not a punishment. Entsprechend sei § 7 Abs. 4 SGB II dem Wortlaut nach nicht auf seinem Fall anwendbar, da Jugendarrest keine “Einrichtung zum Vollzug richterlich angeordneter Freiheitsentziehung”, also keine Haftstrafe sei. There are a number of targeted separations that ensure that a major penalty and a juvenile penalty are an unjustified best solution. Letzterer see mehr a jugendcriminalrechtliche Zuchtmittel with erzieherische character.

This argumentation is followed by LSG and go to Jobcenter Recht. The form “Establishment for the purpose of a legally binding, accurately ordered freedom of expression” in § 7 Abs. 4 SGB II has granted the LSG all freedom of expression in all legal areas. Signal argument: A juvenile arrest has an “interrupted character” and is a liberalism.

If the juvenile criminal law is aware of the juvenile criminal law in the full-fledged variant and if more time is needed, the LSG can do this. If you are concerned with setting up the operation, you can no longer see the free time, but not in your legal basis. The Gesetzgeber has a clear woolen position, the persons in the free time usually have no answer to the Grundsicherungsleistungen, so the LSG.

Wegen de grundsätzlicher bedeutung der Sache hat das Gericht Revision zgelassen.

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Suggestion of a sentence

LSG Celle clarifies basic question: . In: Legal Tribune Online, 26.08.2024, (published on: 26.08.2024)

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