
Ermittler setzen Spurensuche nach Solinger Anschlag fortress

Ermittler setzen Spurensuche nach Solinger Anschlag fortress

The Ermittler has put the Messeranschlag with three Toten in Solingen in its tracks before he fortified. One of the blocked fußgängertunnel red policemen a man-sized Hecke, which a dpa reporter reported for Ort. By watching the Bekennervideo, the Terrorgruppe Islamic State has spread after the Anschlag. The Stelle is located a hundred meters from Tatort and points out to one of the dpa reporters about research with the video.

These commitments were not long lived, but they were also a police officer in Düsseldorf. “That Sache is not really bad.” The tunnel is located in the Nähe der Flüchtlingsunterkunft, in the mutmaßliche Täter Issa Al H. gewohnt hat. Man has a new Hinweise experience and a wolle beste Bereiche has never become a new life in Augenschein, which the police like so much.

During the holidays, at the Stadtfest in Nordrhein-Westfälischen Solingen, three people were welcomed with a Messer. Eight people were lost, four died. Mutmaßlicher Täter is a 26-year-old Syrer, who sits in the bottom seat. The Bundesanwaltschaft is one of the roads in the Mordes and the roads of the Mitgliedschaft in der Terrormiliz IS. This complaint was the Anschlag für sich.