
Is it a hint in Paradies in Bocholt?

Is it a hint in Paradies in Bocholt?

Hate two Erklärungen für die Tür: Pfarrer Rafael van Straelen
Hate two Erklärungen für die Tür: Pfarrer Rafael van Straelen ©Sven Betz

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Do you have your own owner of the hunchback in the backyard in the mountains? Is the Tür ohne Zugang because in the Außenmauer of the St.-Agnes Chapel now a Himmelsleiter erreichbar? Some other hunchback will die or leave his or her life behind him if he or she has passed away.

Gemeinsam with Rafael van Straelen, the leader of Pfarrer der Pfarrei Liebfrauen, who launched the BBV. “What is the meaning of the space behind the garden as well as the lower space or the surrounding space,” says Straelen in Begutachtung der Tür oberhalb der Seitenkapelle. It may be that that Lagerraum has now experienced a Leiter war.

Man can die in the Straße am Schönenberg.
Man can die in the Straße am Schönenberg.©Sven Betz

The chapel is the youthful renovation that lasts for years with the adjacent Altenheim-verbunden. A früheren, ähnlichen Zugang zur Tür will van Straelen ebenfalls nicht ausschließen. “I don’t know the other buildings at all. “Velleicht stand an dieser seite früher auch adjacent a Gebäude, über das die Bewohner direkten Zugang zur Kapelle hatten”, vermutet er.

Gut möglich: The place at the Standort der Kapelle was a Schwesternkonvent in 1447. In 1455 there was a first small chapel. The holy St. Agnes Chapel was founded between 1486 and 1489. After the St. George Church in Bocholt, there are many tests to be done on the construction work.

In 1898 it was purchased in the adjacent chapel and in 1875 the new St. Agnes Hospital was built as the Gotteshaus and was used as a Krankenhaus Chapel. The Bombenangriff in Bocholt was on the 22nd of March 1945 without the Krankenhaus in the St.-Agnes-Kapelle. Make sure that the assembly of the construction work is done in the angry way.

Bocholt’s oldest cellar room

In October 1953 the chapel became a fact. After the relocation of the St. Agnes Hospital to the stone, a similar institution would have been established in Diepenbrock-Altenheim. Since 1993 the St. Agnes Chapel – there are no more God services available – has been established before the residents of Altenheim.

It is always the case that a barrel vault is placed and exposed under the side chapel for a year during the renovation. “The room was closed and there was no grab”, van Straelen remembers. During a glass-bottomed room, the barrel vault is visible to visitors today. The cellar room is the oldest in Bocholt and is just as good as the Tür or any other special feature of the chapel.

The St.-Agnes-Kapelle am Schonenberg is second only to the St.-Georgs-Kirche Bocholt on the Bauwerk.
The St. Agnes Chapel on Schonenberg is Bocholt’s second largest chapel after the St. Georg Church.©Sven Betz

“That time is overdue,” informs Van Straelen. “I was in the room again, nor was the Türschlüssel hat,” so Van Straelen and fügt with a Schmunzeln hindzu: “It is still beautiful, wenn it is also in Zukunft nor a couple of Geheimnisse gibt.”