
Hohe Haftstrafen für young Angeklagte

Hohe Haftstrafen für young Angeklagte

Trier.I am busy with the trial that a couple of doctors from the Eifel will undergo if they wait longer for their heavy sentences. Both young peers are confronted with youth punishments because of Mordes: The 18-year-old must enter prison for the new year, the 17-year-old for the second year, as the presiding judge Günther Köhler at the Trier Regional Court says.

The reduction of the possibilities of the offer is a free trade penalty of two years and four months – roads under the Hilfeleistung and Brandstiftung. The woman is the mumbling of the 18-years, the 17-years are the Halbbruder.

You are supposed to follow the lead of the young men who maintain the state banks. Not since the 36 years: That is why the government has lived together since the end of the year.(dpa)