
Sachsen-Kompass: Diese vier Dinge nerves die Pirnaer am meisten

Sachsen-Kompass: Diese vier Dinge nerves die Pirnaer am meisten

The year in which the world began, began with the Zeitpunkt, while the Gebäude was no longer a Zweck-erfüllte, for this war. At the end of 1990, the Supermarktkette „Massa“ was founded in the first „West“-Kaufhalle der Stadt am Söbrigener Weg in Pirna-Copitz. The war between the estates and the first Kaufrausch-war began to last, the castle of Halle.

If you don’t remember, it’s all a fact that the hall sold an illegal currency for a year. Ziemlich viel, der geheim Haushalt and a modified Zeug prepared, which was taken care of carelessly. On the gelände were cooling pans, old car tires, paint rollers, broken garden chairs, styrofoam plates, a bag of laundry, defective furniture parts.

If you give the owner more time to clean, clean and clean the gel, then this is unintentionally near the end rings. In Widerhall it is not that the self-esteem contains all the weeds. The mündete finally there, that Pirna the Area for reichlich four years begotten lies, 25 cubic meters Müll came as a combination.

The mass gelande is no longer one of others, even a couple in the city finds an illegal company Müll, located where papierkörbe and waste in the city area are suppressed. Although there is no problem, the Pirnaern was connected to the Keks. On the Sachsen-Kompass – a large Saxony area with more than 23,000 Teilnehmern von Sächsische Zeitung and Leipziger Volkszeitung zu verschiedenen Themengebieten – has four Schwerpunkte herauskristallisiert, gegen which are more solved with the view of the Pirnaer. Sä provides an overview of the data.

Müll: Verstöße ahnden and own initiative

The problem with the trap is caused by the Pirnaer. Bei der Frage im Sachsen-Kompass „Wenn Sie an Ihre Wohngegend Denken: Wogegen sollte künftig müllablagerungen?“ antworten 49,1 Prozent der Pirnaer Umfrageteilnehmer: gegen Müllablagerungen. It is a way to view this form – it is illegal in the forest that belongs to the most complete Mülleimern.

The Pirnaer is generally a clean cityscape, but in that respect it is wiser. So when the dams came up in Pirna, the city died in the fall of 2021 more than the Spargründen, while they dismantled half of the decline and no longer learned the verb as bisher. The Behälter, the stehenblieben, can no longer use the Müllaufkommen. One of the last cutbacks could lead to the overloading of the city in the Entleer-Turnus, the soft drinks will be the most refreshing Mülleimer der Vergangenheit angehören.

One of the other Mass Halls regularly remained illegal occupiers Müll. If the money ends up in a residential area, it is no longer done.

One of the other Mass Halls regularly remained illegal occupiers Müll. If the money ends up in a residential area, it is no longer done.
© Mareike Huisinga

It seems that the city Bauhof has paid a high price, before all illegal container sites have become an illegal entity – was not actually from the Bauhofs. It is possible that the city Verstöße consistently with Bußgeldern – so is a Müllsünder erwischt. It is a fact that the Rathaus has left a house and has made a report to the city. If Dreckecken gets to work, this can be done by the Mängelmelder of the city center.

A Pirna is ready to stop, it is an own initiative: So the initiative for the Verein “Freie Wähler – Wir für Pirna” was an action, one of the Elbwiesen in Pirna von Unrat zu befreien. The organization of the working group “Anders Wachsen” of the evangelical church community with other initiatives has delivered a Frühjahrsputz in the entire city area a year ago.

Hundekot: Hundetoilets are often small

In the Sachsen-Kompass 38.6 Prozent der Pirnaer Teilnehmer an, das more gegen Hundekot was authorized muss. If the problem is not, it will take years before people and tretmins in the city center or smelly houses in the Grünflächen, which will never go away. Laut der Stadt seien dabei in erster Linie die Hundehalter in der Pflicht, de Verdauungsreste ihrer Vierbeiner zu entsorgen.

Regulation is a critical remark, which in the upgraded dog toilets is often the result of the extreme circumstances. The sound of the city, the containers were also regularly filled. At least one of those things that occur in higher spheres, people can no longer understand now. In total, 20 dog toilets are in Pirna, five in the inner city, 15 in the surrounding areas. It may be that the city is not paid without costs.

Verwahrloste Gebäude: A whole heikles Thema

37.9 percent of the Pirnaer Saxon Compass part holders are required, so that more must be done against neglected buildings. If the theme of the Pirnaer is more sensitive, it begins in August 2015, as a heavy rain shower of a ruin on the B172 in the repainting of the Lidl market and a 56-year-old woman, who dies at that moment on the stand of the Fußweg.

Ende 2022 fielen vom Eckhaus Breite Straße 25 Fassadenteile auf den Fußweg. Either way, there's a tunnel with a fussgänger.

Ende 2022 fielen vom Eckhaus Breite Straße 25 Fassadenteile auf den Fußweg. Either way, there’s a tunnel with a fussgänger.
© Daniel Förster

So the city reacted in a great way, while the Straße would be closed half way and a tunnel would be built for fußgänger, in May 2023 in the two Häusern and the Gorkistraße Zwischendecken would be closed and the Fassaden would be drohten, on the Straße zu kip. The Substanz is inzwischen completely gesichert, the Straße is a dieser Stelle nor always semi-sperrt. Whoever it is, it’s not clear.

Auch at Haus Breite Straße 25 an der Ecke Nicolaistraße will be closed since 2022. A Schutztunnel für Fußgänger, nachdem Sandsteine ​​​​of the Fassade were recovered. If you are aware of the fact that the city is such an owner-occupied property, it will be a sale transaction. Since the house is sanitary, there are safe and secure tunnels.

While others took courage, it was Time and Patience, if it was so, the wind changed to the only Ruinen from the Stadtbild. So the Ensemble Breite Straße 2 has been renovated all year round, with the Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Pirna 2015/16 sanitary, with little space on the Häuserzeile Breite Straße 4 bis 8. Auch Pirnas alter Bahnhof stand long leather, before the Pirnaer Unternehmer Michael Hänel 2017/ 18 healthy. The ruins of the Hotel „Schwarzer Adler“ are considered Neubau, while the four investors start financing.

Graffiti: Cleaning and Versioning

If the Sachsen-Kompass radiates 36.1 percent of the products, graffiti and glare become more time. Pirna has some wonderful – legal – Graffiti, beispielsweise at the Bahnhof, at the Skater Park at the Sonnenstein, at the Friedenspark and an etlichen Trafo-Häuschen der Stadtwerke.

Demgegenüber finds that it is in the city area a large amount of criticism, and adds the paint spray or with water fests pens dahingeschmiert. The amount of the Schmierereien is in the last years and many years ago, the illegal drugs can Pirna von itself out not endämmen. It is now possible to follow the next steps.

Gekritzel on the Stadtbrücke: The construction work found itself with illegal graffiti, which was formed from sandstone with large entfernen lassen.

Gekritzel on the Stadtbrücke: The construction work found itself with illegal graffiti, which was formed from sandstone with large entfernen lassen.
© Daniel Schäfer

Every spray hotspot is the city bridge, while you might find illegal graffiti. The problem is that the color is reflected in the porous sandstone. Early Pirna wanted to seize these smears of foreign firms. In 2017, the city itself acquired a cleaning device for the Bauhof and, although it was still expensive, as every Mal External to be revived. After cleaning the machine on a special, one of the sandstone versions, it cannot be that the device gets more end rings.