
Der Schrittzähler is a fast nutzlose app

Der Schrittzähler is a fast nutzlose app

Auf meinem Handy to find 80 apps. Manche uses are private or serviceable, others are not. Man can no longer be reloaded. Gerade zum Thema Gesundheit gibt is een riesige Auswahl.

Health-App offers superfluous dating

You can install the Health App. When I write this post, it tells me that I have walked 0.91 km today. My bipedal nutrition is at 26.7 percent and my active energy at 56.9 kcal. My stability is okay, my stability is somewhat light.

If I do that, look at a pilot in a big Airbus. I’ll quickly show you the weather data. Account. Start. I can start in the day. Now I’m very honest: These data were started in the first time, what is this sail writing. It’s not interesting.

Suffered, I see my power to write at the end of the day. If you have selected a particular question, you can do this. It could be that the car starts a war. Or am Saturday. The number for the statistics for the last page is 8,888 writes per day. A Schnapszahl. It is a mirror-smooth wine. Prost.

Kurz darauf went ich schlafen. There is war 20 minutes after Mitternacht and the app has appeared: Bis jetzt has schafft meer Schritte than normal. Is it now a matter of schlafen or diesen to come out of the closet tomorrow? I am still interested: I will be able to download and open the app later.