
The Spätsommer spirit on Usedom in Wasserschloss Mellenthin

The Spätsommer spirit on Usedom in Wasserschloss Mellenthin

(openPR) I am a Spätsommer who sees the Sonneninsel Usedom from its best page. The Usedomer hinterland is a beautiful country with nature, countryside, charming landscapes and beautiful landscapes.

Spätsommer on the Sonneninsel Usedom
Zum End der Schulferien started der Spätsommer nor last so far. Jetzt starts for Aktiv-Urlauber, Genießer and Ruhesuchende die schönste Zeit. Especially if you are in the vicinity of the Urlaubern steht dabei die Ostsee. Auch die Sonneninsel Usedom said you found the best page. With a length of 42 kilometers and 80 meters, the beach is perfect for extensive beach spa activities in summer. Auch auf der gut eight Kilometers of Kaiserbäder-Promenade is also more beautiful.

Nature, Ruhe and charming Orte im Inselinnern
If you can leave the long German beaches in 2000, it may be that the big German economy has a great chance that it will go well again. Vielleicht sogar noch mehr. So the idyllic used hinterland can not be protected with 14 nature reserves, the rough achterwasser, the inland and old forests. Here is a nor a typical example of a charm and history of the story. It may be that one of the interesting and interesting things in particular is a center of the insel use.

Genießer-Hotel with Brauerei, Distillerie and Kaffeerösterei
It is known that only 500 residents count on the town of Mellenthin for all its similarly named water castles. The Renaissance castle from the 16th century has a wellness hotel with its own brewery, distillery, coffee shop, island factory and castle shop. We cannot see the country borders, but we can see the themed events in the summer and during the summer at the Mellenthin water castle statistics. Glides gilded for the beach wine and coffee from all over the world, hand-crafted, beers provide noble spiritual, fruity liqueurs and fine spirits.

New: Edle Rum Specialties from the Insel-Distillerie
From A who Absinthe bis Z who Zitronenlikör became clean more than 30 Spirituosen in der schlosseigenen Distillerie restored and abgefüllt, with increasing Tendenz. If the Single Malt Whiskey is not yet in the Eichenfässern in the Insel-Manufaktur reifen muss, it is very nice to have four Rum-Spezialitäten from the product portfolio of the Wasserschlosses Mellenthin.
These are available in the Mellenthin detergent or as a Rum Probe Brown in the online shop.
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