
Meeting for hikers

Meeting for hikers

The Malteser Hilfsdienst eV Bad Kissingen has Trauerbegleitung im Kurhaus Hotel Bad Bocklet a. Trauer is a natural response to Verlust and the Erfahrung von Trennung. Delighted and…

Der Malteser Hilfsdienst eV Bad Kissingen has Trauerbegleitung im Kurhaus Hotel Bad Bocklet an.

Trauer is a natural reaction to Verlust and the Experience of Trennung. Verlust and Trennung tun weh. Trauernde transcend Emotions such as Zweifel, Angst, Wut, Ohnmacht, Guilt and Verlassen sein. It is often the case that things are going well or that someone else agrees. So uninteresting is man, so different they are in art and the day of the Trauerns, he is in a press conference.

The encounter for the trauernde is an ort, a person with everything, was his trauerbetrift, civilized, woman reason kann, aber nicht moss. It is Raum für Trauer und Freude, Erfahrungen, Erinnerungen, new Gedanken und Ideen.

Non-binding and free

Those Malteser laden Trauernde ein, im geschützten Rahmen with others Affected ins Gespräch zu kommen. Das Angebot is no longer religious and nationalistic. The contract is non-binding and free of charge. Go to the Treff for Trauernde von hofahrenen Trauerbegleitern des Malteser Hilfsdienst eV from the Landkreis Bad Kissingen.

The meeting place is in the Chapel in the Fürstenbau of the Kurhaus Hotels Bad Bocklet in Kurhausstraße 2. And will follow on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: September 22, October 13, November 10 and December 15. Bitte den weige Schritte entfernten Parkplatz „Kurpark“ nutzen.

Report is under Malteser Hilfsdienst eV Bad Kissingen, Tel. 0971/724 694 22, or by email to [email protected]. red