
Journal Frankfurt News – We were the lucky ones

Journal Frankfurt News – We were the lucky ones

The film “We Were the Lucky Ones” said a surrender to a young family in Poland was based on national socialism, based on the new book by Gloria Hunter. The series can be streamed on Disney+.

It is a family business that is so disinterested that it can be different in a cinematic representation that there is a problem. A film music player, mask, film music, film music or chamber music, who play plays, will nevertheless make a public with the hand, others will not produce an entertainment farce. “We Were the Lucky Ones” was one of the most successful books of Georgia Hunter, who lived his own family history and an undisputed life for 15 years.

Mini-Serie züdisches Leben in Poland während der NS-Zeit

Showrunnerin Erica Lipez shone in her career now in the Mini-Series. They followed in 1939 by the jüdischen Familie Kurc, who lives in the Polish Radom. While the latent anti-Semitism-internal atmosphere of the society manifests itself while the large family is spätestens with a march of the German National Socialists in a whole country in Erden. The story follows the family history, which is described in the right way, which goes around the world.

It is a fact that the series contained many instructive swathes and, in part, Hollywood-esque dramatization, an enduring interpretation, which in itself – and often their rarely seen – Jewish protagonists as the subject. Other things were undone by the economic development of Poland, before 1939 one of the growth of prosperity and the rapid change of the economy, in all its drastic consequences.

Disney+: We Were the Lucky Ones is available