
Ex-president makes vulgar remarks to Kamala Harris

Ex-president makes vulgar remarks to Kamala Harris

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Ex-president makes vulgar remarks to Kamala Harris
Donald Trump has made a comment about his contact with Kamala Harris for the next time. © Gage Skidmore/Imago

With a sexual story in one of Trump, the policy of ally Kamala Harris is influenced. Criticism comes from the own ranks.

Dortmund/Washington – Donald Trump plans to verbally express his political opinion about the difficulty of his policy. In August, Trump set up Harris’ ethnic power and made sure he got a racist slap. On his own social media platform ‘Truth Social’, the 78-year-old’s post is now published, Harris’ political career is becoming increasingly popular.

Trump-Eklat for US-Wahl: Ex-Präsident is vulgar about Kamala Harris

Early in the war, when Harris was going through the sexual excitement, he got aroused. Accompanied by the report of another photo, which Harris has seen with his American prime minister and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The commentary heard is: “Funny, who have worked out differently on their two careers …”.

Attention was drawn to the sex scandal and in the Bill Clinton, the Ehemann of Hillary Clinton, the presidential election (1993 to 2001) with the practice of Monica Lewinsky was rejected by the war. At the same time, Trump supporters are spreading noisy time uninvested rumors (more Political News at RUHR24).

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The Democratic presidential candidates have been through a romantic relationship with a political politics in California in the 1990s. Kamala Harris, who is crazy about one of the following, has no idea what the vulgar Anspielung reaction is.

Black comes from the vulgar commentary without direct von Trump. Although the Tatsache is one of the official truth social accounts, this is curious. Trump useless has generally become angry about his political behavior and Harris’ policy of labeling other people as “verrückt” and “dumm”.

Donald Trump (Republican)

Donald Trump is running for the Office of the American President.
Donald Trump is running for the Office of the American President. © Shealah Craighead/White House

Name: Donald John Trump
Change: 78 (June 14, 1946)
Date of birth: Queens, New York City, USA
Part: Republican Party

More Republicans have given Trump a better chance, his personal attacks on Harris are mäßigen and his statistics are more politically focused on his interests. If Donald Trump holds a press conference on this issue, it will be a matter of time.

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There is talk of: “I am glad, I have a right to attack, I personally will attack” and there is a hint: “I must have my own art machen”.

Bereits in Wahlkampf 2016 has put Trump at the door with a vulgar remark, if it is prahlte, Frauen überall anfassen zu können, or zwischen de Beinen. Trotzdem wurde is von de Amerikanern zum Presidenten gewählt. Dpa/bearbeitet by Julian Kaiser