
Abzocke at Reisen für Senioren: Vorsicht voor Fallen bei der Buchung | Living & Erasing

Abzocke at Reisen für Senioren: Vorsicht voor Fallen bei der Buchung | Living & Erasing

If you can look on the internet, it is the travel guide of the trip clearly in the Vorteil. Seniors, who are not so good with smartphones or computers, are the German language.

Ruheständlerin Elisabeth S. (78) from Swabia in Bavaria has built an additional über-catalogue as a single “Senioren-Reise”. Go with the Haustür-Abholung to Mallorca-Flugreise by bus with a large excess.

To be clear: There is a new serial announcement from Senior Travel: air-conditioned, air-conditioned bus, decent hotels, good hospitality. The talk is at the Kunden-herum. If you want to know more about the results, you can do more with it.

Elisabeth S. (78) from Swabia in Bavaria was allowed to warn seniors

Elisabeth S. (78) from Swabia in Bavaria was allowed to warn seniors

Photo: private

But Elisabeth S. had bad luck. Visit our Anbieter PiT in Ehingen (BaWü.). Das Unternehmen works with modern buses and Haustür-Abholung. Die Seniors: “I had totalized trust in the provider. It would be like that I would get the stress of the flight in Mallorca.”

Abholung mittens in the night

You buy 1199 Euro eight Tage in Stuttgart – never a schnäppchen. Was Elisabeth S. übersah: PiT schickte nach Reiseabschluss keine Flugzeiten. It is your first time going through the journey. In a short time: Abholung at 1 Uhr nights at Ihr zu Hause in Swabia, da der Flug at 6 Uhr in Stuttgart startedete.

Plante Ankunft des Zubringers am Flughafen: approx. 3 hours. Elisabeth S.: “I was shocked, but I couldn’t buy more nights. Who can keep another human being at 1 o’clock tomorrow? My Ärztin had my own sick days. I am not a ghost.”

BILD checks BILD-Leserin’s travel reports: Tatsächlich finds that there are no Flugzeiten. On BILD-Nachfrage behauptet PiT, everything is possible. How did the trip not change everything? The Veranstalter blames the Rentnerin.

Auf BILD-Anfrage reads in one of the statements: “Dem Reisegast bleibt aber completely unbenommen, auch im Vorfeld nach Flugzeiten zu fragments. Selbstverständlich geben we are able to understand the current current times, which are present during the Fluggesellschaft zu diesem Zeitpunkt.”

Insider reports from the BILD: You can significantly reduce your costs and increase your profits if you book the flight during the day – even early mornings or early evenings.

The sollten Senioren vor der Buchung prüfen

“Garden Seniors were not able to book a trip with a 6-hour flight. It would strengthen. If the Flugzeiten are aware of the Vertragsabschluss nicht mitgeteilt were, there was a Irreführung“, erklärt the Verbraucheranwältin Nicole Mutschke.

Generell sollten Ruheständler – so die Expertin – the Travel File of Seniorenreisen genau prüfen:

✅ Do you like all transfers with drinks? ✅ Which airline am I flying with? Are you looking for a place to stay? ✅ Who is the hotel you want to visit? ✅ Is the transportation of a Rolls-Roller safe? ✅ Who looks after the services for seniors? Is this a problem? ✅ Is there even a travel insurance certificate available?