
Note: AUO starts with avocados

Note: AUO starts with avocados

Both partners in the deal can earn more than a month of money, and now that the official choice has been made: AUO Display Plus (ADP), a subsidiary of AUO Corporation, a lawyer. The acquisition follows a longer life of both loose sanctions. ADP will implement the integration of Avocor for all the know-how in interactive displays that become stronger in the vertical display and expanding the possibilities.

Avocor Wurde 2016 is a fact and took place at Hauptsitz in the American-American Wilsonville in the Federal State of Oregon. In recent years, the Unternehmen Seine Präsenz has been sailing in Europe. From Londoner Büro aus übersieht Avocor all EMEA activities. The visitors have interactive, large-format displays specially designed for everyone in conference rooms and class rooms for einsatz.

AUO Display Plus has been a partner of Avocor since 2022 and a company engaged in the production of avocado product bots at. The overarching strategy is a transformation strategy of the display repairers AUO, which is reflected in the deformation of applications in vertical market.

“We will enjoy this journey with our friends,” says Frank Ko, CEO and Chairman of AUO. „The strategic Schritt would take our advice into consideration in the Lösungsgeschäft and strengthen the geschäftsübergreifenden Synergien innerhalb of the AUO-Gruppe.”

Avocor-CEO is general manager of the AUO-Bildungsparte

“All if you see that the lawyer in the AUO-Display-Plus-Family plans to come,” says Scott Hix, CEO von Avocor, he is the GM role in the AUO Education and Enterprise Business Group which is the CMO At AUO Display Plus is settled. “With the help of AUO and ADP, we are committed to providing a better future and an expansion position, which works on our product roadmap and supports our go-to-market strategy.”

Scott Hix, CEO of Avocor, is General Manager of the AUO Education and Enterprise Business Group and is CMO of AUO Display Plus. (Photo: AUO)
Scott Hix, CEO of Avocor, is General Manager of the AUO Education and Enterprise Business Group and is CMO of AUO Display Plus. (Photo: AUO)

The acquisition of the features of AUO Display Plus and Avocor in more areas is aimed at: Product development development, improved marketing strategies, optimization of product management and improved regional development. The financial details of the AUO are not possible.