
Anyone who has a lung signal for the genetically modified image can be performed

Anyone who has a lung signal for the genetically modified image can be performed

Heidelberger Wissenschaftler identifies biological mechanism, which for Fehlern in Genom schützt, this aber also auslösen

The best lung signaling is no longer the human embryo, but plays a separate role in the erhaltung that is not genetically modified. If you experience problems, this is the representation of the genomes – the mosaic images – comes. There is an international research team under the leadership of scientists of the Center for Organism Studies of the University of Heidelberg in Untersuchungen with Stammzellen herausgefounden. The underlying biological mechanism is hilarious, the DNA is by the connection with the genetic genetic blueprint in identical copy decayed. In the Bildung of Nervenzellen there can be a genome of the Mosaicism, so the knowledge of science, the analysis of the Zehntausende of Stammzellteilungen has taken place.

If people can do the best with billions from Zellen, the whole genetic blueprint is one of the best answers of Eizelle, the high quality of the multiplication and trennen of the technique. “I have discovered a number of the acquired experiences of fehlern in the zugrundelygende processes or by the einwirkung of mutagens in a number of Zellen Mutations and other genomic treatises. Dadurch entsteht in unserem körper ein sogenanntes Mosaic”, explains Dr. Anchel de Jaime-Soguero, Postdoctoral fellow and team of Prof. Dr. Sergio P. Acebrón at the Center for Organism Studies of the University of Heidelberg. This genomic mosaizismus bezeichnet das Vorkommen von Zelllinien with unrecovered genetic information, was zu schwerwiegenden Störungen and Erkrankungen führen kann.

“In embryo development there are two critical passages in the reception of the genome”, as Dr. de Jaime-Soguero explains. In the period in which the embryonic stages have a larger size of the genomes, one of the delights or the chromosomes of Zugewin, was the headache for the fehlgeburten. If I have an explosive picture, the explosive picture of Nervenzellen with genomics changes can be recovered; these neurological disorders of the lungs are of the Folge haben. Which biological processes of time and spatial mosaic formation lie fundamentally, is so long unknown.

For some of these functions, the versatile pluripotent strains of the organism are able to distinguish all species of an organism from other species. With the help of highly resolving imaginary signals, they analyze the twelfth stage of cell division processes. The team of Prof. Acebrón was able to reveal, the molecular signals, the embryo development and for errors in the genome of the stem cell protection, and the mosaic development. By using these different lung signaling – by engaging WNT, BMP and FGF – some other function depends on the knowledge of the scientist, who the early development stages in the embryo are active.

While the Forscher and Forscher feast is held, the smooth control mechanism goes into the air with a brake or accelerator pedal for the DNA pathway replication dynamics. The pluripotenzer can be one of the most embryonic types that are “unmpfindlich” – with the neural stem cells, which come with the Erzeugung von Nervenzellen zum Einsatz. While the neural trunks of people and people are at the Wissenschaftler party, the signal signal, the image of nerve cells, is also responsible for the high Anzahl and chromosomes-trennungsfehlern. “We have studied the biological mechanisms involved in the puzzle piece for the understanding of the mosaic images in the early stages of the development of embryos,” says Prof. Acebron.

These research tasks were included in the Special Research Section 1324 “Mechanisms and Functions of Wnt-Signal Ways” of the University of Heidelberg. The experts were involved with the Wissenschaftler of the University of Göttingen, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum in Heidelberg, for example with Forscherinnen and Forscher in Great Britain, the Lower Countries and Sweden. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, the Studienstiftung of the German Volkes, the Chica and Heinz Schaller Stiftung, which have led research and innovation in the United Kingdom to the Forschungsarbeiten. This Ergebnisse was published in the Fachzeitschrift “Nature Communications”.