
thyssenkrupp: Rücktritt von Stahlvorständen und Aufsichtsräten – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

thyssenkrupp: Rücktritt von Stahlvorständen und Aufsichtsräten – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

Kulmbach ( – thyssenkrupp-Aktienanalysis of “Der Aktionär”:

Nikolas Kessler from the magazine “Der Aktionär” has made an active Aktienanalyse of the Aktie of thyssenkrupp AG (ISIN: DE0007500001, WKN: 750000, Ticker-Symbol: TKA) under the Lupe.

Speculation has been going on for a while, but now it’s official: I’m a newbie to the German largest steel repairer thyssenkrupp Steel who has three steel rods with such a stronger effect of the external welds. Look at the expert Sigmar Gabriel and three more help in checking the hands by the hand-operated yard.

At the Stahltochter thyssenkrupp Steel Hätten am Donnerstag three Vorstandsmitglieder ihren Hut taken. It is one of the emergency services of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG, the frühere Vizekanzler Sigmar Gabriel, in Duisburg, mitgeteilt. He deals with the advocates of Bernhard Osburg, productions of Heike Denecke-Arnold and personally of Markus Grolms.

This is a targeted scam. Gabriel has given a different answer to his further investigation. Please check the information of the IG Metall in any case during further consultations if you wish to cancel the mandate.

Gabriel has in his heart the criticism of thyssenkrupp boss Miguel López ueb. A “beispiellose Kampagne” has arisen that sets the Stahlvorstand in motion. If there is no longer any question of the hand-lung function of the stahlvorstanden, this is a “severe breach of trust”.

In the thyssenkrupp-Stahlsparte there are 27,000 people. Only 13,000 people worked in Duisburg. The Betriebsrat befürchte im Zuge a restrukturierung an “Halbierung der Hütte” and the Abbau Tausender Arbeitsplätze. More and more professional and business activities have been brought to the barricades and politics has been introduced into the plan.

The Rücktritt von Stahlvorständen and Aufsichtsräten sei der voläufige Höhepunkt des Streits at thyssenkrupp. Gelöst is a conflict that is a new focus, without anything going on.

We found the action of the old MDAX-konzers even more girls, so Nikolas Kessler from “Der Aktionär”. (Analysis of 29.08.2024)

With material from dpa-AFX

You can find information about the conflict of interest offensive in the context of Directive 2014/57/EU and the EU statement dissemination under the following link.

Tips for interesting information:

Mr Bernd Förtsch Mr Bernd Förtsch is one of the most important positions in the publications that are becoming increasingly profitable after the following financial instruments or publications resulting from them: thyssenkrupp.

Börsenplätze thyssenkrupp-Action:

Tradegate promotion thyssenkrupp promotion:
EUR 3,219 -0.28% (08/30/2024, 08:32)

XETRA-Aktienkurs thyssenkrupp-Action:
3,226 EUR +1.26% (29.08.2024)

ISIN thyssenkrupp Promotion:

WKN thyssenkrupp Promotion:

Ticker symbol thyssenkrupp-Action:

Short profile thyssenkrupp AG:

The thyssenkrupp AG (ISIN: DE0007500001, WKN: 750000, Ticker-Symbol: TKA) is an international company with an industrial and technology base with approximately 100,000 employees. In 48 Ländern erwirtschaftete es im Geschäftsjahr 2022/2023 een Umsatz von 38 Mrd. Euro.

Since October 1, 2023, the Geschäftsaktivitäten has been bundled into five segments: Automotive Technology, Decarbon Technologies, Materials Services, Steel Europe and Marine Systems. With part of the technology know-how, the technical knowledge and resources of the software overhaul are increased. Etwa 4,000 Mitarbeiter is a value of 75 Standorten in Forschung and Entwicklung, a beschäftigen sich for everything with Klimaschutz and Energiewende, digital transformation in the industry with the mobility of the Zukunft.

The thyssenkrupp patent portfolio was worth around 14,630 patents and use samples. Under its roof, thyssenkrupp provides the company with innovative products, technologies and services that are long-lasting and sustainable, and that will help create better lives for generations to come. You can optimize your own energy and climate efficiency by implementing an ambitious climate policy. For others, the opportunity is created that the relevant knowledge transformations in the green transformation form a whole.

thyssenkrupp is part of MDAX. thyssenkrupp-Aktien became a stock exchange in Frankfurt (Kürzel: TKA) that also traded American Depositary Receipts (Kürzel: TKAMY) in the US. (30.08.2024/ac/a/d)

Opening up of possible intersessional conflicts:

Conflicts of interest can be found on the site of the counters/of the request for an analysis.