
HSV schlägt Münster deutlich – A Sieg auch für Vuskovic | – Sports

HSV schlägt Münster deutlich – A Sieg auch für Vuskovic | – Sports

Status: 31.08.2024 14:52

The HSV played four matches of the 2. Liga with two seasons. The Hamburger bezwangen Preußen Münster on Sunday afternoon with 4:1 (3:0). The game is in the sign of Mario Vuskovic, the Doping Ban in the week before two a four years will become war.

by Hanno Bode

A Doppelpack from Robert Glatzel (7., 45, +1), Daniel Elfadli (26.) and Moritz Heyer (65.) ensured the Treffer der Mannschaft from Trainer Steffen Baumgart, who was a good idea for the secret Kulisse 0:1-Niederlage im Nordduell near Hannover 96 hours preliminary passages Freitag. Torge Paetow has been able to make a quick start in Münster at 1:3 (58.).

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Wenge minutes before the game the HSV fans among the 55,000 players in the Volksparkstadion gave huge applause for a game, was not planning to play: Mario Vuskovic. After the international sports court CAS have raised the doping ban for the inner representative in the week before two auf four years erhöht had, the supporters were able to praise their solidarity with the Croats. “Vuskovic” will get a new run, after Christian Stübinger won an art laudatio at the age of 22: “Not in the starting eleven, but still proudly with that: Our number 44: Mario….”

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Partie also thank mutiger Münsteraner sehr unterhaltsam

There were banners and jerseys with the inscription “Free Vuskovic” to see. A glass turns on a header goal of 1:0 with jewels of the fingers of the bench, whereby a Jersey of the Croats is obtained and self-made in the air. Damn war that was “Pro-Vuskovic-Demo” on the Uwe-Seeler-Allee, was for the first time a fact.

The cause Vuskovic also resigned (must only be in front) in the background, because the fans were playing a very quiet football game. If the duel of the inflatable spirals with the upward war is a war against the background of the war, this can be a great big Münster. If the guest is not in his own half, the hamburger is so much fun.

This war is maximum, but set itself apart from ball and combination situations, letztlich aber as maximum naiv heraus.

Glatzel buys Baldé-Flanke zur Führung ein

When the Baumgart-Elf let his heart fail him, he went crazy. With a balcony stroke that can use the Münsteraner Pressing line, the chance of it being pressed can be greater. I have received the HSV reports from the Swedish Zweikampfverhalten der Preußen zugute. So where Fabio Baldé went through time in the minute. The 19-year-old age starts loading the flanks and a fan with the butter glaze, which comes from another meter, is not more than 1:0 a little bigger.

Elfadli erhöht nach Muheim-Ecke zum 2:0

Hernach was able to leave the team’s guest, ahead of the Baumgart team after 20 minutes. In addition to the Zweitliga-Startelf-Debüt, both Baldé (23.) and Glatzel (24.) did not separate from Goalkeeper Johannes Schenk before a match for Miro Muheim directly for the Footballers of Elfadli, with a right to play on 2: 0 erhöhte.

If the Glatzel-kurz for the Halbzeit nach a mustergültigen Konter aus abseitsverdächtiger Position signaled later the hit, the Vorentscheidung may have been achieved.

HSV wackels kurz, then trifft Heyer

But is still a bit exciting in the Volksparkstadion. Zumindest kurzfristig. If you are now in the Arbeit, the ball is no longer so consequence that your hamburger can make a header of Paetow in the right way, so that one of the following things no longer to the Abschluss kam goes, verkürzen. The Baumgart-Schützlinge-zeigten in that phase are not good buy- and wirktenverunsichert. The coach played with one of the three Dreifach-Wechsel-players: Davie Selke, Ludovit Reis and Heyer came in the 62. Minutes for Glatzel, Immanuel Pherai and Elfadli.

And only 120 seconds later Baumgart could beat his wide Schultern, that’s all not. There is still talk of 4:1 in Heyer, after an Eckball from Muheim I am busy playing the game with the chest until the line is draped. When the all-rounders wage war against the highest levels in a game, the HSV deserves to be in the heights.

4.Spieltag, 31.08.2024 13:00 Uhr

Hamburger SV





Hamburger SV:
Heuer Fernandes – Muheim, Elfadli (62. Heyer), Hadzikadunic – Baldé (73. Poreba), Meffert, Pherai (62. L. Reis), Karabec (73. Richter), Hefti – Königsdörffer, Glatzel (62. Selke)

Schenk – ter Horst, Paetow, Frenkert, Kirkeskov – Mees (72. Kyerewaa), Bazzoli, Hendrix (83. Preißinger), M. Lorenz (72. Makridis) – Grodowski (83. Deters), Amenyido (72. Németh)

57000 (sold out)

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Hamburgs Dagblad | 31.08.2024 | 7:30 PM

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