
Feuerwehrmänner spreads over Einsatz nach Hoteleinsturz in Kröv

Feuerwehrmänner spreads over Einsatz nach Hoteleinsturz in Kröv

After August had found a hotel in the hotel, new people were sent. Trierer Feuerwehrleute is greater than the burden of the overload.

It is 11 pm in the Leitstelle Trier der Notruf. With my hand I have a young Niederländerin, who becomes war at hotel institutions in Kröv, über 112 the Feuerwehr experience. According to reports, other Feuerwehrleuten were rettet by Trierer, who were in Kröv together with 250 Einsatzkräften.

Trierer Feuerwehrleute schnell vor Ort

“Gebäudeeinsturz groß” – damit became the Fire Brigade alarmiert. One of the Trierer Fire Brigades hatten da gerade schon 24 Stunden Dienst behinder sich, others wollen sich nach ainem anstrengenden Arbeitstag gerade hinlegen. Einsatzkräfte van de Rettungshundestaffel, de Hogeschool und de Organisatie @fire machen sich sofort op de Weg nach Kröv.

Retter in Kröv hatten auch beim Erdbeben in der Türkei geholfen

Florian Zonker is Mitglied bei @fire, an ehrenamtlichen Organization von Feuerwehrleuten in international Catastrophe Protection. A mistake has been made, in Erdbebengebieten Verschüttete aus Trümmern zu retten, zületzt 2023 in der Türkei. Auch 2020 after a major explosion in Beirut war is im Einsatz, 2010 after a major explosion in Haiti.

Internationale Erfahrung bei Katastrofen-Einsätzen hat geholfen

You will have a wonderful time in your home away from home on the Moselle. “Wir wussten schnell, da lebt noch jemand”, says it. The international experience has had a major influence on the colleges, which no longer emerge from the Trümmern barracks with 120 points.

Military forces about a narrow shaft to escape in a hotel ruin in Kröv

On August 6, 2024, a hotel in Kröv was closed and 9 people were evacuated, the Trier Fire Brigade died in the mountains from the Trümmern.

Fire Weather Trier

Einsatz in Trümmern absolutely voluntary

Sascha Feltes and Christoph Reuter from the Trierer Berufsfeuerwehr go to the Einsatzkräften, die under Lebensgefahr in the Trümmern nach and after the Verschütteten crochen since. “The gift of your own life blends with your first life,” says Sascha Feltes.

Retell the time with the hidden items

If you both have a non-Mediterranean view, you can take care of the processing with Schmerzmitteln. The whole time it saves with the surrender to the Trümmern, it is a matter of touching.

Man saves his life all day long.

It is so that the verschütteten of erklären were geraad in a einsatz-läuft, when it went so well, it was gebohrt, gesägt, gehammert, a Trümmerteile zu extfernen. If you have the tendency to work, you can do a concrete deck in your work with special work that is carried out and discovered.

Trierer Fire Brigade at Einsatz in a single meal Hotel in Kröv

Trierer Feuerwehrleute schneiden mit Spezielwerkzeug a Decke des eingestürzten Hotels in Kröv auf, one of the most verschütteten you can come. The women were treated after 23 deaths.

Fire Weather Trier

“If you have a large force, it will last a long time,” says Berufsfeuerwehrmann Christoph Reuter. “Wir sagen ihnen, dass wir da sind en sie eeninzeln durch de engen Kanal nach aussen retten.” There are no changes that don’t stop, but it is tough, the Leuten situation is clear. “Man saves everything from scratch”, an extreme situation for the freshmen was a matter of tension.

I was not forgotten who I could first send my text to

When a young, smaller woman and a smaller part of the family are likely to end up in a hohlraum hat, Christoph Reuter kümmerte himself with his colleagues from a young family room, which ends a war in Trümmern. “I was not forgotten, who I was able to use first hand in my hands, were able to live in the future and I was happy, well tomorrow, I was here, so I would be happy.”

A Trierer Feuerwehrmann swings through a shaft, a survivor in a final hotel in Kröv zu retten

A Trierer Feuerwehrmann swings through a small shaft in the Trümmern an eingestürzten Hotels in Kröv, a surviving zu retten.

Fire Weather Trier

If it is good, if the verschütteten are through the time, it is so small that the man can never imagine, who of the breitschultrige Feuerwehrmann is geschafft, who has gone through the time. If you want to do one of the best things in your house, Sascha Feltes is the best in your ab. There is war, the verletzten of the dutch man, the fear and sorrow had, through an engstelle of the hotel ruin to bring above.

I was freaking out here.

If a man can no longer pay, says Berufsfeuerwehrmann Sascha Feltes, the verschüttete Mann must take the blame, the Schultern will penetrate so much that one gang is formed. There are the Niederländer Schmerzmittel and fragments in the world, where my wife and their son wiedersehen are. “I made a direct decision, I became dir wehtun, I became rausholen here. Then the last meter will be heavy. There is a war that is a war for him and one of the most important.”

Feuerwehrleute has no contact with Geretteten

The young, lower family, the restituted, can contact the Trier fire brigade. “When everything is over here, we will drink a beer together”, says Marc, the father of the young family. There is still no talk of it in the hospital, it is a fact that it is better. The young mother said to the fire brigade man Christoph Reuter, his friendly Teddy bear face has given into his trust, he has been able to trust his child.

If you have a college, you still can’t make it

When it comes to the overloading of the unlucky in the kröv a road that goes into life gab, if it is taken out of the drum, the firewehrleuten can be a good result. “We have made a difference in the life of these people”, as it is printed by Christoph Reuter. Let the overloading happen at 23 places in the Trümmern.

“It’s a matter of courage, which is not enough,” said Trier Fire Department chief Andreas Kirchartz. Schließlich must have been salvaged as well as two Todesopfer in the Trümmern. When the debts arise, the feuerwehrleute can seize power, with notenselensorgern as the reason, or danach.

If so, this Risiko will be a fact.

There are also other things that the Trier Fire Brigade then spoke about in Kröv. “It will all be clear that we have had a physical or psychological problem. It will be a risk,” says Fire Brigade man Sascha Feltes.