
Ampel-Koalition: Robert Habeck said he was connected to the Haushaltskompromiss

Ampel-Koalition: Robert Habeck said he was connected to the Haushaltskompromiss

Candidates Robert Habeck (Grüne) that is disabled with the ergebnis of the Haushaltsverhandlungen of the Bundesregierung gezeigt. “It is a fact that the Haushalt with a cover sleight of hand of the Swedish Prozent also runs the new Billiards zu verabschieden”, said the Minister of Federal Economic Affairs about the Newspapers of the Funke Media Group. The available covers of the billions of euros are “eher unüblich”. Weil is that most cases have arisen, but it is “never gelungen, or it is smaller”, as the Minister of the Federal Economy.

Kurz for Ablauf a self-chosen setzten Frist hatten sich Scholz, Lindner and Habeck auf Änderungen am Entwurf ür de Bundeshaushalt 2025 verständigt. The debtor’s claims became a fact, while the Deutsche Bahn loan took them into account. A Lücke von zwölf Milliarden bleibt dem Plan will fail next time. The direction works if it goes through the economics of development and is not forgotten.

Habeck warned about the large part, a coalition that entails risks. “It’s easy to play with something new,” he says. “Not that it is in the Grundgesetz, a Bundestag is required for four years.” The Koalition has to do your job. “So, who Millionen Menschen ihren Job machen. With Kraft, Konzentration and dem Willen, Dinge hinzukriegen,” says er. “I am happy with my life.”

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