
After Schlägerei in Miltenberg the Polizists went wild

After Schlägerei in Miltenberg the Polizists went wild

Miltenberg. Gegen 7 Uhr riet zunächst zwei Manner in eeninem Hotel in der Hauptstraße in Miltenberg aneinander, webei der mutmaßlich alkoholisierte 26-Jährige dem 27-Jährigen morefach in da Gesicht schlug. The fear can be easily alleviated here. A more fuehrende medizinische versorgung was nicht nicht nicht, so die Polizei.

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Hinderufene Besatzungen der Miltenberger Polizei versuchten anschließend Kontakt zu dem Tatverdächtigen herzustellen, der Zischenzeitlich in sein Hotelzimmer zurückholtehte.

Angriff auf Polizisten – Widerstand und Gewahrsamnahme

When the male man comes out of his room heralded, he has become unreliable by the police and obtains those ebenfalls on schlagen. The beams are connected at the age of 27.

In the next phase, the man has to initiate his aggressive activities and become the hand-operated angels here.

If you are at the Gewahrsamsnahme, if you are engaged in the service of the police to the broader class, you will compensate that you will get the maßnahmen-sperrte. Our policy has been strengthened by the efforts that are necessary.

Der 27-Jährige must weld with the police and a judged legal order Blutentnahme über sich erehen.

More effortless processing

The Miltenberg police inspectorate has done more research into the Mann ein. I would have another body injury, resistance against enforcement officers and policy provoked, here it is.