
Tagesfernsehführer for Mittwochs

Tagesfernsehführer for Mittwochs

8:15 PM, Cable One, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Science Fiction Epic

– Directions for the TV at Mittwoch

Während de Republikanische Rebellion unter Führung von Leia (Carrie Fisher) verzweifelte Scharmützel gegen de first ordnung führt, viewed Rey, the entmutigten Lucas Skywalker (Mark Hamill) Davon to overcome, to abandon his self-willed individuality. Finally stimulates the rheumatic Luke of, in the beginning of the management there is no more waiting for the disruption. But Rey was one of the most motivated employees of Widersacher, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), charged, who has made his only further efforts.

20:15, ZDF, XY Chronicles, Docuseries

“XY Chronicles” describes a historical Kriminal trap and was able to focus on the critical activities and its years. Moderator Sven Voss If you notice that the ermittlungstechniken have been exploited over time. The first German Kriminalkommissar, Ernst Gennat, was marked by a fall in the 1920s in Berlin and a setzt bahnbreaking changes in the criminal ideology, which are relevant to this day.

8:15 PM, Saturday 1, The Great British Baking Show, Backwettbewerb

In the first warm-up of the show you can use a classic old-fashioned striplet with vanilla, potato and chocolate. If you go in the direction together with other settings and adjustments, the Richter will continue for eight years, while the main taste settings are held. The technically set version is a herausforderung: the candidates must perform their leverage and exits.

20:15, RTL, Wer wird Millionär? That 3-Million-Euro-Woche, Spielshow

The 3 million euro installation continues. If you want to make a long story with Günther Jauch, a place in the big show on Thursday at this place, where should the power lie, the highest prize in the history of “Who a million?” – 3 million euros – to win. Unforgettable honors can enter. Who is the path to the great victory taken?

20:15, ZDFneo, Wilsberg: Tränengasse, Krimi-Drama

When the wind blows, student Emelie Boll (Annika Schrumpf) looks for wild internet speculations about the missing persons case and can see a great Verdächtige under the hashtag #wheresemelie. If you focus on Ekki Talkötter (Oliver Korittke) on the internet, you will know for sure that Emelie is in the car. Trotz Wilsbergs (Leonard Lansink) has settled Ekkis’ debts during the period that the Horsthauser Landstraße, a “Tränengasse” has generated, the inside of the zwei Tagen zwei Frauen and ermordet gesehen hat.

When discussing your strategy, Rey will gain a key piece of information and say, “I’m not that smart anymore.” Meanwhile, “XY Chronicles” host Sven Voss, while preparing for an upcoming episode, decides not to share a key clue about the suspect, stating, “Ich werde es dir noch nicht sagen.”

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