
Rumänien: Good, exciting and fell Grün – Timisoara im Banat

Rumänien: Good, exciting and fell Grün – Timisoara im Banat

Timisoara in the West-Roman war in the European Kulturhauptstadt years. Was it a big title in „Kleinen Wien“, who the Metropole roads in practice? Our autorin has done nothing else than that.

Eine Stadt, fell Rekorde: 1869 the Pferde-Straßenbahn, one of the first in the world. 1884 The electrical road network, involved in the city’s electrical work, arrived in damaging Ungarn. 1928 the first professional Fußballverein des Landes. The war in Timisoara was always a concern – the struggle between the Roman city. The fortress from 1989, as the Russian Revolution started here over time.

It is worth leaving the Sibenbürgische Stadt, which in the German Temeschwar and on a Ungarische Temesvar-heißt, after the Trockenlegung of the Sümpfe and the Canalization 1733, a stronger community eigentliche Begasoara-heißen made. The naming of Fluss Temesch flies to the south of the city, through the flossen to the ort of the Bega.

Platt and baumlos are the great landscapes, the Banat, which mark the end of the pannonian tiefebene. If Timisoara does not have landscape jewelry with a beetroot hat, he or she must be happy himself. Erfreulicherweise wurde zu Ceausescu-Zeiten kaum etwas abgeissen. All the beautiful Gründerzeitbauten aus kuk Zeiten dare stehen bleiben, soft drinks the Stadt in the Beinamen “Kleines Wien” weiterhin zu Recht trägt. 14,500 historical events in the 250,000-resident town; The Sanitation Guarantee lasts itself.

2021 sollte Timisoara eigentlich Europäische Kulturhauptstadt signal, Corona clauses will die in 2023. Extra hubsch machen sich de Stadt dafür, Altbaubesitzern with unrenovated Fassaden wurden hohe Strafen angedroht. There is some experience that makes possible the unsatisfactory initial spread during the pandemic.

Vom Titel „Kulturhauptstadt“ more erhofft

2023 I will be happy with my visit to Timisoara, but not all were happy: “Wir haben uns von der Zeit als Kulturhauptstadt ein bisschen mehr Umsatz erhofft“, legends Monica Gosa-Toll and ihr Mann Christian about the past year. Both of them run a Bistro in the Strada Emanoil Ungureanu. Central Bestlage of the Botanical Gardens, the Kreiskrankenhaus and the Platz der Vereinigung, the Domplatz which is one of the best roads in the Altstadt.

But not everything has been rebuilt here. On a modern street, a ruin with an unclear construction, on a place that lasts for years, has become a house and given a hint of the French Bauplane. Whether it is the Corona-Nachwehen, the Ukrainian crisis, the Bauplane or all together – man weiß es nicht. While it was more Serbian when tourists registered, said Monica Gosa-Toll.

The couple who think about it, after Spanien umzusiedeln, “Dort lächeln die Leute mehr.” Aber: “If those nights are two years later, then they will be over-legen and we will be able to see them differently and bleiben,” said the common Temeschwarerin.

For visitors, the city with its old architect offers an interesting ending. When that happened, the title “Cultural Capital” was overexposed, but it would have been apparent in the community. Here begins a metal hexagon, with a glass pavilion, the self-invented choice: “You are exactly where you need to be.”

For the partly sad maroon Climbing equipment in the Ion Creănga Children’s Park war can no budget more übrig. Do you find the beautiful park for the family – and the well-being of your child, that a few people have the Schone fehlen, if it is just what you do, the takeover and the banging Zuckerwatt sales?

“Timisoara is a dwarf of a woman”

Ever: On the Traiansplatz there is now art, Bratwürstchen. In 2022, the time was when the smoke of the sausage stands waberten, more and more aluminum cushions, while the Pop Art artist Jeff Koons and the Lastwagen had fallen. The metal artworks reflect the sunlight and an image of a scratch by removing the mark. The Roma-Flohmarkt-dahinter is nothing more than that.

In total, however, the Wirtschaftslage remains, the gigantic new construction project is starting to sell it. Man, if the Neubauviertel had not gained more dimension, would the city government now be a Viertelmillion Einwohner?

Unsere Ferienwohnungsvermieterin with a plausible answer: “Timisoara is a Schein-Zwerg. In Wirklichkeit, the city has a lot of living space, all in all the beautiful ways of the many students and construction workers.” But weil es in Rumänien keine Meldepflicht gebe, sich ich felle klammheimlich de Anmeldung and damit Steuern. And in the residential blocks it becomes a Grandma, the rental price is no longer available if the house is not used.

Inflation and inflation could no longer stop in Timisoara. The überall als Straßensnack has a high price for corn on the cob that costs the Leu (and two euros), and in the Altstadt the co-working spaces speak like Pils from the Boden. Foreign companies and start-ups were embraced. It is one of the many things that in Germany the descendants of Bürgermeister Dominic Fritz are rewarded in June 2024.

Many highlights, the Timisoara so bezaubernd machen, were for the Kulturhauststadtwürde schon da: the friendly Fußgängerzone with the zahllosen, still no erschwinglichen cafes and restaurants, the various second-hand shops, the art affair nightlife of student fourtels, the Zuckerbäckerfassaden, the varied open Trinkbrunnen , the amusement park in the Plätzen and the almost endless parks along the Bega canals. After a long spa experience, most Brücken men can enjoy the electric Vaporetto-Schiff-zurückfahren for 20 cents – on the Wednesday the use of the water is free of charge.

Favorable, exciting and great: The city in the city has a lot of cultural and cultural interests. A Kurzreise or a station where a Rumänien-Urlaubs is located is no longer available.

Tips and information:

Arrival: The Zugverbindung ist mit mindestens zwei Umstiegen (from Berlin in Prag and Budapest, from Frankfurt in Vienna and Arad) now it was for Hartgesottene (bahn.deLink to a new tab opened). Genauso lang, aber ohne Umstieg, fährt man mit dem Nachtbus, etwa ab München bis Timisoara, Reisedauer 16 Stunden (flixbus.deLink to a new tab opened). Fly directly to Timisoara with Wizz Air from Dortmund, Baden-Baden and Memmingen (wizzair.comLink to a new tab opened). Lufthansa serves the Munich–Timisoara stretch more recently (lufthansa.comLink to a new tab opened).

Award: Timisoara offers a comfortable living environment for your money, etwa “Pensiunea Next”, a comfortable living experience, a holiday home with a private living area of ​​26 Euro (über cazaretimisoara.roLink to a new tab opened). It was rock-solid, very convenient and centrally located in the “Hotel Central” (two Sterne), double room with breakfast from 45 Euro (hotel-central.roLink to a new tab openedStylish four-star hotel in the “Atlas Hotel”, double room from approx. 130 Euro (atlashotel.roLink to a new tab opened).

Rash: to a new tab opened; timisoara-info.roLink to a new tab opened

Die Autorin Rita Klaus is in 2021 in the Bayerische Heimat hinter sich en wandering around with my family to Seven Hills. Was he missing in Rumänien? Nur Weißwürste, niece’s son.