
Vhs nimmt Beziehungen in den Fokus

Vhs nimmt Beziehungen in den Fokus

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Vhs nimmt Beziehungen in den Fokus
Blättern erwartungsvoll in the new Volkshochschul program: Sebastian Scherer (from left), Julia Triefenbach, Doris Schramen, Katja Prase and Carsten Koehnen. © private

The new Volkshochschul semester starts in Montag. Allein 35 Veranstaltungen beschäftigen sich mit de Verhältnissen von Menschen untereinander. Insgesamt could be more if 600 Kurse, Vorträge and more Veranstaltungen were observed.

Oberursel – As the Selbstverständlichste der Welt, the little Affe dem Nashorn sits in Nacken and keeps its rights at the Dickhäuters festival. A Hingucker is the title image of the new programs of the Volkshochschule (VHS) Hochtaunus on jeden Fall. The typical motivation is for the semester theme „Beziehungen – kommen wir zeeammen?“. 35 Veranstaltungen offered could contain more than 600 Kurse, Vorträge and other Veranstaltungen were examined. Am Montag, September 9, is the start of the semester. Register since 8. July the program charge can lie free of charge in the VHS shop in Rathäusern, Behörden, Stadtbüchereien at banks and einzelhandelsgeschäften aus.

Zum Bereich der VHS Hochtaunus heard, außer Oberursel, auch Steinbach, Kronberg, Königstein, Glashütten und Schmitten. The planted Fusion with the VHS Bad Homburg (with the history of Friedrichsdorf, Grävenwiesbach, Neu-Anspach, Usingen, Wehrheim and Weilrod) was available for purchase, but will not be available until July 2025, according to VHS-Hochtaunus-Leiter Carsten Koehnen . A year ago the commissioner Leiter of VHS Bad Homburg was there. “These mixed education programs have a positive impact on the future, in the direction of fusion”, it is reported. The design is constructive and trustworthy. Now one of the proper rights must be financed and both financing activities will be combined. The quality of the work, concrete is a guarantee: “The work places remain intact.” The new winter semester is such that both Neither folk high schools nor jewels come with their own programs.

“As a social being, man needs spirituality,” Koehnen explains the semester theme of the VHS Hochtaunus. Flüchtige relationships, friendships and romantic partnerships can arise. These images may well be the case if you think that the Stories of Teachers and Students, Trust and Deceitful Respect are instilled in you. If you are in the Plant and Animal World, it becomes Spirituality. A smaller film is available on the VHS Facebook page and on YouTube.

Franziskusweg and ChatGPT

The Eröffnungsvortrag „Friends with Misfits – Freundschaften im 21. Jahrhundert“, says Professor Dr. Daniel Tyradellis am Donnerstag, 10. October. The Philosoph and Kurator International Beachteter Ausstellungen have since 2021 the Stiftungsprofessor Humboldt Forum for the Theory and Praxis of interdisciplinary Kuratierens inne. “In seinem Vortrag stellt die Freundschaft in Kontrast zur Liebesbeziehung”, erklärt Sebastian Scherer, VHS-Fachbereichsleiter Gesellschaft, Musik, IT und Theater. Another highlight is the report of the Franziskusweg on January 19. The photo of Martin Engelmann war days between two Florenz and other roads, “567 Kilometers in the green of Italy”. Eine Einführung in de Geschichte der Afro-American music met Radio-X-Moderator Michael Heinz am 30. Januar an. A grim message about the Kurs “ChatGPT for Einsteiger*innen”, Scherer reports. The first time they were planted were the Termin am Montag, 20. und Dienstag, 21. Januar, dating des Thema nun auch ab Montag, 28. Oktober, geboten.

Julia Triefenbach, Fachbereichsleiterin Familien-VHS, young VHS is art and culture, hat for children from 9 years old another Kurs-Tipp: Under the Motto “Deine einzigartigen Familienbeziehungen” können Kinder am Samstag, 9. November, ihren eigenen Stammbaum gestalten. An Jugendliche from 16 years onwards, the Workshop “Berufliche Orientierung” will take place on September 28. “There are indications that the various components and the design are an appropriate representation of the connection. A schlussgibt is a solo coaching for you,” explains Triefenbach.

Ernährung in the “Blue Sons”

A work by a German Jew, who was in the Netherlands before the Nazis were hidden, is seen by the Vortrag “Curt Bloch – The Underwater Cabaret – Humor and satire against the Nazis” on Thursday, December 12. From 1943 to 1945 Bloch published a secret magazine, the inner half of the Widerstandsnetzwerks von Enschede.

“Yoga with stuhl is a beautiful experience for the future,” says Katja Prase, Fachbereichsleiterin Aktiv im Alter, Gesundheitsforum and Spielstube. With the area on the ede, while most people continue with peace of mind, convince yourself of the Kochkurs “Die Ernährungsgeheimnisse der Blauen Zonen” on Samstag, January 25. Anyone who is part of the new Ernährungsempfehlungen of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung, vegan Ernährung, Vollwertkost and “Planetary Health Diet”, will hear the story of the Curses “Was soll/kann/darf/will ich noch essential?” his duty day. January 28.

Ulrike Szaroletta, who teaches the French Language and Integration, emphasizes “Goethe in English”. The Kurs started on the day of service, September 24, and acted through the inspiration of the closer doors and security of Johann Eckermann. English was also spoken in the Seminar “100 Objects that Changed the World” (100 Objects that Changed the World), which began on Donnerstag, September 19. Covered with a book, which became a BBC interview. Was that for the object a sin? “Eines davon ist der Flyer”, explains Doris Schramen, who is responsible for Marketing and Operations at VHS. ‘The flyer or the political debate about the Flugblatt would take place in the Reformationskrieg in Germany by Martin Luther eingesetzt. The political flyers are inherited by the Holzdrucke by damals who judge the more modern Flyer. With a little bit of spread flyers it is so that dams such as heute, informatieschnell and breit streuen.

Koehnen schließlich power nor auf the Online-Bildungsurlaub “Vom Mitarbeitenden zur Führungskraft” aufmerksam, der am Montag, 21. October, startet. “Ein solcher Rollenwechsel braucht neue Kompetenzen”, it is clear.

The new VHS program can be found on the Internet at The last day of the week, September 20, is the time for notification and consultation of the telephone service period: Mondays after lunch hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and free days from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

People can watch the VHS-Mitarbeiter montages and mittens from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Ever increasing demand

The Teilnehmerzahlen der Volkshochschule (VHS) Hochtaunus is quickly reaching the level of the year 2018/19, reports VHS leader Carsten Koehnen. Since Corona is on the way again. 2023 has won the VHS 11 800 Teilnehmer, which in 2022 (9400 Teilnehmer) is a Steigerung on 25 Prozent.

Hinzu kommen seien 1200 Besucher von Sonderveranstaltungen (wie Theatervorstellungen, Ausstellungen und Lesungen). The VHS community and the Trägervereins will be worth 4 million euros in 2023. “We have completed 24 integration courses,” said Koehnen. An integration course was born that semester.

70 Prozent des Gesamtetats have the VHS über eigen Mittel – voor alle Teilnehmergebühren – erwirtschaftet. Die (nicht projektgebundenen) Zuschüsse der öffentlichen Hand hätten 25 Prozent betragen (Land Hessen 3 Prozent, Hochtaunuskreis 7 Prozent, Städte und Gemeinden im Hochtaunuskreis 15 Prozent). Sonstige Erträge and Fördermittel have a place at a prozent.