
Baden-Württemberg: Baden-Württemberg: Action “Sicherer Schulweg” zum Schulstart

Baden-Württemberg: Baden-Württemberg: Action “Sicherer Schulweg” zum Schulstart

Status: 06.09.2024 13:48

In Baden-Württemberg there are many years of 426 failures on the road. The “Sicherer Schulweg” action provides more clarity in traffic traffic.

More than 110,000 children were thrown into custody in the Tagen settlements in Baden-Württemberg. Before all Erstklässlerinnen and Erstklässler cases in the Straßenverkehr would not have legitimate einschätzen, we would have to have the Verkehrsteilnehmerinnen and Verkehrsteilnehmer in the next Wochen noch mehr Rücksicht als ohnehin schon nehmen müssten, said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

“We will take care of the safety of traffic and transport traffic. The start of the new debts will be taken into account with all due consideration in road transport”, so we will start the action “Sicherer Schulweg”. Schließlich sollen Schülerinnen und Schüler sicher und Ziel kommen.

Whoever founded the Ministry of the Interior, the State of Baden-Württemberg regularly begins with its debts with a large number of measures in the field of traffic surveillance and traffic accident prevention. In the coming days, among other things, street banners, posters and installations make the debt start a marker and impress all traffic stoppers with a ruthless attitude towards children. The police and the community work under the responsibility of the debts, the traffic law park and the roads and the technical provisions of the Fahrrader ensure the safety of children in the automotive industry.

The sisterly traffic around the schools often sorts out disadvantages for places and poses a negligible challenge for the student girls and students.”
Thomas Strobl, Minister of the Interior Baden-Württemberg

Tips for a safe Schulweg

When the female and male students are fit for the debt path, the Minister of the Interior recommends the parents, together with the children, a child’s right path to school and to overcome. There is only one thing that has been thought of, that children have found a simple way. Anyway, when planning the debt path in the heart of life, an idea of ​​the perspective of the children you see. If you see a reflective element of debt and debt management, which can no longer be done over the years. If you might want to take a look, children with the car in debt to bring. “The secondary traffic around the schools provides for arrears for places and poses a avoidable risk for the female and male students there”, so Strobl.

After the Innenministeriums honor their lives in Baden-Württemberg 426 (2022: 357) Verkehrsunfälle, both denen Schülerinnen and Schüler im Alter von 6 tot 17 Jahren auf dem Weg von und zur Schule verunglückten. Herebei wurden 48 (2020: 45) Kinder und Jugendliche schwer und 391 (2020: 324) leicht verletzt. A Schülerin verunglückte on the way to the Berufsschule tödlich.

The action is a safe school route

The action “Sicherer Schulweg” is about the Ministerium of Inneren, for Digitalization and Communities, the Ministerium for Transport is about the Ministerium for Culture, Youth and Sport in his life. Untersützt wird de Aktion von der Polizei Baden-Württemberg, dem Zentrum für Schulqualität and Lehrerbildung, de Verkehrswachten, Schulen, Landkreisen, Städten und Gemeinden as well as the Partners of the landesweiten Verkehrssicherheitsaktion “Gib eight in Verkehr”.

More about the study in BW