
Sjoeke Nüsken from Hamm nominated for Ballon d’Or: “Was a great experience!”

Sjoeke Nüsken from Hamm nominated for Ballon d’Or: “Was a great experience!”

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Sjoeke Nüsken from Hamm nominated for Ballon d’Or: “Was a great experience!”
Die Hammerin Sjoeke Nüsken has been nominated for the Ballon d’Or. © Imago/ines Hähnel/IMAGO/Lobeca

Great honor for Sjoeke Nusken: The Hammer Footballer is nominated for the Women’s Ballon d’Or on Wednesday. The 23-year-old is one of 30 candidates.

Hamm – Born in Hamm (NRW) in a football match at Hammer SpVg and at SV Westfalia Rhynern. 2019 will take place at Eintracht Frankfurt, on February 21, 2021 in the Länderspiel debut for the German Nationalmannschaft. Jetzt is nominated for the Women’s Ballon d’Or – the most important achievement in world football.

Sjoeke Nüsken from Hamm nominated for Ballon d’Or

2023, after four years at the Eintracht, we will join forces with FC Chelsea, we will continue our career with our Leistungsträgerin and with us at Public Play. If my new club plays in the English Championships, they will play in 21 eight goals and eliminations in the semi-final of the Champions League, which the Mittelfeldspieler plays with their team at FC Barcelona. Nusken gehörte in der vergangen Saison zdem deutschen WM-Kader an, der alldings nach der Vorrunde ausschied.

The Länderspiel-Jahr went at a high speed: during the Olympic Games in Paris, the German team with interim coach Horst Hrubesch, native Hammer and regular player Nüsken won bronze. In general, three native Hammers dare to celebrate a medal at the Olympic Games in Paris. The Jubilee War is no longer as big as Fußball, but then in the Sprintstaffel. Neben of Chelsea-Profi are Lea Schüller and Giulia Gwinn (next to FC Bayern) of the DFB-Mannschaft nominated.

Ballon d’Or is the most exciting in World Football

The Ballon d’Or was formed by the European Football Union Uefa and the Groupe Amaury, the owners of the media organizations L’Équipe and France Football, vergeben. The award ceremony is on October 28 in Paris.

For Sjoeke Nüsken, the nomination is a success. “Was für eine Ehre!”, write auf Englisch (“What an honor!”) in my Instagram story and be part of the official Ballon-d’Or-Seite with ihrer Nominierung.