
Rewe und Lieferando liefern gemeinsam Lebensmittel

Rewe und Lieferando liefern gemeinsam Lebensmittel

Rewe and Lieferando have a strategic partnership, one that can express love from their living environment. Purchase: you can do it yourself easily within 45 minutes after having your home delivered. The Express Service is available in over 40 cities and in the lovely app or website, in the metropolises of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne. The orders were carried out during the partner work from the Warenlagern.

The range is higher than the reported number of more than 3,000 products, which support the own brands with Ja!, Rewe Beste Wahl, Rewe Feine Welt and Rewe Bio. After ordering on Lieferando, the delivery time is 45 minutes from installation between 7:30 am and 11:30 pm, with a minimum order price of 20 euros. This service is free for large goods costs, varies depending on distance and starts from 1.99 euros.

“The cooperation with the supply of essential ordering platforms is one of the next offers in the Express segment of the E-Food markets. We have taken our position as a starting point for the fast faith in Lebensmitteln”, says Clemens Uwe Bauer, Managing Director E-Commerce of Rewe Markt GmbH.

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