
Who developed a Künstliche Intelligenz Fahrerassistenzsysteme?

Who developed a Künstliche Intelligenz Fahrerassistenzsysteme?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) focused on the ADAS and set up a number of sets, and it was efficient to work with the data in question. Make sure you have light AI of the human abgestimme system, which an individual has for himself.


The new situation, with the fact that the Fahrzeuge can ausstatten, will increase the feeling of the person. Now the system is intuitively useless for the Fahrer and if the previous time passes, it will be wonderful. (Image: Magna Electronics)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in all world and space tests with Chat GPT is the theme in the broad. The analysis of the automotive industry takes longer than the Einsatzmöglichkeiten of AI. In recent years, a number of things have taken place, these are Niche activity shifting to the focus back. Dazu invests in large chip repairers, which expand the AI ​​function in the new era, while AI expands the chip generations as one of the most important backend training integrated.

If you have problems in your lungs, you can solve a problem in the alveoli. In fact, techniques such as unsupervised learning are less useful for training in the training phase, easier to understand and to master. While the time of the time point is not as powerful, the advantages of AI will be useful in vehicle development. I am following an overview of the deployment possibilities of AI in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

AI in the Development of ADAS

The background and software functions in vehicles are constantly increasing. This makes for a complex situation, but can lead to more costs and validation costs. The combination of sensors in the vehicle and in the interior together with the forward networking and V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication is no longer a complex system, but one of the most common data. AI can help, more information about the available data on the performance and operation of the functions that are used.


Image 1: Development range of ADAS function. The selective number software function in vehicles has mixed some data. (Image: Magna Electronics)

Before the development of neural networks has developed the system of revolutionary knowledge, we can all use the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This machine learning method is extremely effective, forms and brands in the room identify themselves and ensure that the information about their use is processed. One of the great advantages of CNNs is the Ability to Invariance, the Recognize-visualizer must make a denial of the position in the image. By filtering the filter, the small kernel with a 3×3 matrix, feature maps were installed. This passage and different levels, from simple to detailed are Feature maps. Make sure that you are sure that you are good and robust by the German Umgebungserkennung.

It is a big challenge to integrate the System-on-Chips (SoC), integrated circuits, which support AI-Beschleuniger. Active SoCs are there, machine learning models installed directly on the chip. You can investigate the Frameworks of the SoC hardware with a quantification model. So if you use a parallel, resource-intensive processor on the AI ​​computer, you can use the SoC CPU of other processors. This strategy maximizes the investigation and the Leistungsfähigkeit of the ADAS system.

Beispiel: KI in Wärmebildkameras

There are other ways in which the performance of ADAS systems has become a critical assessment and whitening conditions. Heat imaging cameras are particularly suitable for these situations with poor visual relationships at night. If the heat sensor turns on the temperature sensor, you know that the temperature in the environment is measured when the temperature is evaporating or at night. If you use this technology, you must recognize a company in the Darkness.

The motorists may be used by the young generation of thermal imaging chambers on a CNN-based recognition. Make sure you recognize a contrast (on the temperature of the temperature measurement of the display) for unnoticed objects with people, levels and vehicles. In Bild 2 the erkannten objects with marked boxes, the sister of the object type and the relative position of the vehicle on the Validity value are angeben. Pay attention to the necessary input of the algorithms for the gefahrenabschätzung, the input of the ADAS system is carried out. When you make a separation, warn the vehicle for an automatic automatic notification.


Figure 2: Object knowledge of the Wärmebildkamera with considerations for relative distance and weather conditions, which serve as a basis for a good data analysis, (Image: Magna Electronics)

AI for the SensorDatenfusion

Bislang Following the Fusion of Sensordaten meist sehr spät in de Verarbeitungskette, sprich, each Sensor has its own Recognition Algorithmik. The generated object/recognition lists from the different sensors were then combined, generating a Auswallliste of objects to set. That is a matter of course, that (Roh-) Daten nicht in der Fusion berücksichtigt since. Learning Machines (ML) can collect and hide a large amount of data, which cannot be merged with the bi-tube through the high-level sensors. Damit lassen is already improving AI-based Object Recognition and Information about the ADAS System.

For the sensor data fusion, the implementation strategy is different (Figure 3). It is also interesting to use the early Data Fusion, while the Magna is active. Here the sensor data is merged with one of the times in the reporting, soda from CNN-useful information about the Rohdaten-gewinnen kann. If you have problems, the object classification and the sales potential is completed, which can process the data. Others can use the Fusion speed for new hardware options, which improves the detection. If the early Fusion has done more German research, it is nice to get more information and get more information. Active is the Mid-Level-Fusion of the attractive Ansatz, which offers the Kompromiss from the Rechencomplexität and Leistung for a price and a variety of Object recognition types.


Figure 3: Schematic Darstellung unterschiedlicher Sensordatenfusionsarchitekturen. Zurzeit finds the Mid-Level Fusion an attractive combination of complexity and flexibility, (Image: Magna Electronics)

AI learns personal information

Study, if the driver has found a help system as an aid or a solution to search and not use it anymore; Warn or bug fixes can be irritating. An AI-driven system cannot identify the driver, but recognizes that it must be processed in Fahrstil and all possible applications. By continuously learning and adapting, a system can provide a solution for solving problems. Requirements lie with the ADAS function with a direct assistant in the personal way you work. This adaptive approach offers the opportunity to gain useful information and the acceptance of the systems in the Fahrern-verbassern.

For the personalization of driver assistance systems it is not possible to use sensors for the display of the situation in the external situation of sensors in the vehicle interior space, you will recognize that a driver reacts in a changed situation. This combination is the foundation, a system for personalization and interaction with other traffic elements to train. Based on this, ML models with imitation leathers with regularly based guide lines can come to the application.


Figure 4: Synthetic variants are real designs. Magna uses open-source simulation platforms. (Image: Magna Electronics)

Generative AI and synthetic dating variants

The complex system with advanced sensory functions, greater functionality and an Operational Design Domain welds the data into the original continuum function. A possibility, which is efficiently gestalten, is the synthetic data in the Entwicklungsstad. Generative AI can learn real data and produce synthetic data. It is not that the Bau teurer prototypes of the Reifegrad of algorithms are used.

If you want to perform the data collection in a special way, you can use synthetic data of other types. A set consists of real and real data, that were changed during the generative AI. Figure 4 said that who contains the synthetic data is based on real products that are generated.

Synthetic data is processed in different ways. Open source simulation platforms can be used, which are not even a basic data source, but also systems-of-systems simulations (cameras, radar, lidar) with the physical models of sensors, when setting the configuration of the configuration parameters. In combination with vision transformer models or generative AI, the gaps between synthetic and real data close. With this approach, generative AI can provide fast, realistic sensor data, which can be developed into training machine learning models in ADAS systems.


Image 5: Confusion matrix for driver assistance systems with data types. It is not the case that there are false positive results. (Image: Magna Electronics)

Good Modelle brauchen good Daten

With the strong quality of the system it sets the vulnerability, where the Verantwoordwortung van de Fahrzeug bij de Fahraufgaben übernehmen can be. Here are many car safety standards and legal texts with the Entwicklungen. The Straßenverkehr is an extremely complex and if there is a fall, it may be that the human can no longer fall. An AI-supported system must also think that a fall occurs with a human driver. A good example of a training, it is a fact, the situation is good, but it is not that there is a false positive Ergebnisse liefern (Image 5).

If you use an autonomous driving function at level 3 or 4, you get a huge data mix with high demands, storage and metadata. The AI ​​inference model is now so good at training the data.


Figure 6: Out-of-Distribution Learning: If you mark the data points in the input window, the red area is over the range, the model is one-sided when identifying, and white as Out-of-Distribution (Image: Magna Electronics)

If there is a natural leader Some of the Edge or Tail Cases that the automotive industry uses can cause a network of the vehicle experiences. Most new products are made and made with real products with the products of the product, soft drinks that are used in one of the business processes, are a standard of safety standards and data protection with the data that can be used. Zur Minimierung von Falschauslösungen is a technique with Out-of-Distribution-Learning (Picture 6), a faulty output in ML main model to identify. The Rahmen der Sicherheitsnormen can help the Gestaltung of Systems and the Sicherheitsargumentation.

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