
Suizidpräventions-Projekt und Schulen: Bewältigen with Harry Potter – Austria

Suizidpräventions-Projekt und Schulen: Bewältigen with Harry Potter – Austria

Harry Potter plays a role in the project for suicide prevention and debt assistance.

Harry Potter plays a role in the project for suicide prevention and debt assistance.
©Canva (Symbol Image)

A published study in the journal “The Lancet Public Health” under MedUni Vienna-Mitwirkung deals with suicide prevention under the focus of the transmission, of the treatment of suicidal thinking and acting, but also of awareness strategies.

Schools are like wesentlicher Schauplatz dieser Übertragung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen erwiesen. Before this background information is now a program for suizidprävention in the classroom, it is possible.

Debt project “Reading for mental health”

The debt project “Reading for mental health” will be worthwhile, the mental health care competence and the advocacy of youth care. For the special protection of personal angels Lektüre Thomas Niederkrotenthaler and his team from the Center for Public Health of the Medical University of Vienna have tried out the Roman “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban”. When the authoritarian JK Rowling had his personal experiences with depression in his book for a while, it is so that his own experiences with Help from cognitive therapy (KVT) have been overcome.

Wasn’t Rowling planning to think: her KVT, the gold standard of treatment therapy for depression and anxiety disorders, integrated into her book. “The novel can also be read as an allegory for his experiences and as an invented guide to the KVT, which can be combined by teachers and teachers in education”, said Niederkrotenthaler. “The teachers and instructors who put Harry on the path and learned with him, were depressed, they became depressed. Before they all had the quality of the KVT commitment, a path to resilience that they found”, a whole series of projects in the core of the FWF-supported programs. Currently, the Leiterinnen bzw. Leiter von Secondary Schools in Austria were uploaded to the project for participation. During the summer semester 2025 it was in the Umsetzung, the von Niederkrotenthaler and the team winstschaftlich begleitet wird. The Jugendliche Tatsächlich of Harry Potter gets to know, Krisen zu bewältigen, Wurde bereits in eenstudie nachgewiesen.

Project zur Suizidprävention and Schulen: Harry Potter will help

Parallel to this, a Niederkrotenthaler Suizidprävention is one of the ways in which the beach is inspected by the transmission examined. Therefore, one understands the Übertragbarkeit suizidalen Thoughts and Actions, which z. B. A debt to cluster note can be developed: Most of our Mitschülers or a Mitschülerin by Suizid lends the brand name on the theme or the best Suizid methods and can see more Suizide in the environment after. A transfer can take place with a positive transfer, which is determined continuously than by the statistics, when the skills of the user with the schwierigkeiten will change. “Welcome that the education for a large part of the world is expanded, the general history and the general development of the great re-expansion of Harry Potter over a cultural border area. The identification with the figures is a path and a path in a certain location it, they are useful for the promotion of psychological well-being”, so Niederkrotenthaler about the first comprehensive education plan for global health care, which is directly embedded in the education. This is the World Day of Suicide Prevention.

View the project “Lessons for great health”:

Are you in a lost situation and brauchen Hilfe? Speak with other people around you. Hilfsangebote für Personen met Suizidgedanken en deren Angehörige bietet das Suizidpräventionportal des Gesundheitsministeriums. At you will find contact details for Hilfseinrichtungen in Österreich.