
With these tips it is possible to save money

With these tips it is possible to save money

Wahrscheinlich buchen die meisten AIDA-Neulinge nach diesen Kriterien ihre Kreuzfahrt: Preis, Schiff, Ziele, Publikum. Dazu follows Erklärung:


If you bought “Premium”, it will be in the travel experience or with den höchsten Preis. Vorteil: Man can leave the Cabinet and remain in his plans for a long time. Tip: Immerse a cabinet in the Schiffsmitte auswählen. From here on the road (for restaurants, theater, swimming pool, etc.)

If you bought a “Vario”, you will save a lot of money on the “Premium”. AIDA chooses a spare cabin. Night: If the cabin feels or gets a hint, the road will be long.

Secret tip: Wer save money, sollte im Internet “Stornokabinen” and “Aida” eingeben. Dort is a man who is legally looking for restplätze. Aktuell beispielsweise 1080 Euro pP for the “Scandinavian Highlights” of AIDAnova in Kiel.

AIDA Nova is located in Hafen von Geiranger (Norway). We can welcome guests to visit the Geirangerfjord.

AIDA Nova is located in Hafen von Geiranger (Norway). We can welcome guests to visit the Geirangerfjord. (Photo: Robin Halle)


Trinken Sie more than four Glass of Beer or four Glass of Wein außerhalb der Essenszeiten? Then you need the alcohol flatrate. Add the Softgetränke over the Tag. Many warnings: Pro Kabine muss die Alkoholflat von all Reisenden bebucht alles (außer Kindern). If the partner consumes an alcoholic drink, this can be an alcoholic drink and a plate.

The Tischwein zu den Mahlzeiten is free of charge. Tip: If we have a drink ourselves, we will serve you for a long time.

The Tischwein zu den Mahlzeiten is free of charge. Tip: If we have a drink ourselves, we will serve you for a long time. (Photo: Robin Halle)


An Auslandskrankenversicherung can be “Golden”. A hospital visit is extremely difficult. I have to pay 2200 euros for a blood test (EKG, tablets, etc.). If there is no health insurance policy, be sure to check your credit cards, but you must also pay for your own hospital stay.

Ship’s manifesto

Das Ausfüllen auf MyAIDA ist Pflicht vor der Reise (Adresse, Ausweisnummer, Anreisezeit, Notfallkontakt). Power without restraint! We would like to have a good night’s sleep without having to wait long.

To run out

Unbedingt jeden Tag anschauen! Wahlweise ruhigen Platz suchen ins Getümmel an der Bar stürzen, Getränk orde, drei AIDA-Lieder hören (“Sail away”) and enjoy 20 Minutes. It’s interesting when you see a woman fighting a land war.

One of the most beautiful Momente des Tages. AIDA listens to the lyrics of the song "Sail away".

One of the most beautiful Momente des Tages. AIDA listens to the praise of the song “Sail away”. (Photo: Robin Halle)