
Gedämpftes Branchenumfeld: VW-, BMW- und Mercedes-Aktien geben roads changed Nachfrage nach | 10.09.24

Gedämpftes Branchenumfeld: VW-, BMW- und Mercedes-Aktien geben roads changed Nachfrage nach | 10.09.24

You can further target your service to a larger company than the German car manufacturer.

Cut years of BMW and Rückstellungen on Zulieferer Continental roads Brake systems have brought the service contract the actions of both heavy under pressure. The automotive sector works in the Mitleadschaft, when the Furcht chooses the Chinese branch of the industry. JPMorgan reacted promptly and sent the BMW action on the price from 115 to 95 Euro. The e-instufung “Overweight” can be carried out best.

As Schlusslichter in the DAX the paper of Continental and BMW coins ab. Zuletzt lost Conti 9.0 Prozent auf 53.48 Euro, die von BMW büßte 9.7 Prozent auf 70.12 Euro.

Porsche, Volkswagen, Porsche SE and Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler) Benz falls under the Abgabedruck and pay between 2.0 and 4.6 percent respectively. At SDAX, the car manufacturers Vitesco (Vitesco Technologies) and Schaeffler van Abwartssog have gone to work and a few jewels have disappeared that were more than 3 percent.

De Tagesverlauf hatte der Münchener Autobauer BMW Abstriche und seinen Profitabilitätsaussichten im Autogeschäft 2024 Mitgeteilt und Rechnet Zudem met een Deutlich Lichteren Freien Barmittelzufluss as bisher. If you are having problems with Brems systems, these are the problems. And the world would be loved by Conti. Problems in the market have become difficult and problems have arisen since they have to be stopped. Conti informed us about this service and about the path of our braking systems in the Zweisttelligen Millionen-Euro-Reich.

After the Words of UBS analyst Patrick Hummel the sensitized soul of BMW and half of the Einmal-Effekten back, a technical problem with the new integrated braking system of Continental (IBS) back. Zur others would have been committed to the big problems in China and the employee of the Autobauers department. That BMW hates in Zuge der Warning Also the China problem does not arise as a main issue.

One of the strong questions of BMW on the Brems system is a professional expert who does not want to be more: “If the problem occurs with the Conti in Munich, it may be that the Schwäche in China can develop.” The problem with the Bremsanlagen is never new and has increasingly more Rückstellungen gebildet. “There is work on the market, with the knowledge that they spread. Dort will get a bigger problem by releasing the software update. Sollte sich dies under the truth, is the art, which continues with BMW in the future, never a fair exchange “, say eh.

In the Welcher Größenordnung that BMW reported that the vehicle sales would be a suspended “delivery stop” and that was related to the general economic problems in China, which was unclear, wrote analyst Tom Narayan of the Canadian Bank RBC. BMW, so it is established, says “that in China I am a company that calls on its coveted carmaker” and dies during its lifetime as a company that does its business, while the British manufacturer Mercedes leaves behind. “It is a strange thing”, so writes also, but can help car repair women – “in view of the high lower levels of trade and inflation after the pandemic – problems with their own pricing possibilities”.


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