
Recipe Tips: What with all the Zucchetti?

Recipe Tips: What with all the Zucchetti?

About the first fruit in the June period is still so, but now the time will be a fragment of the question: what is the only way the zucchini works? Go to the zucchini and do not know who is with the gemüse? Here come our tips and a few comments on one of the best choices you can make if you are in the menu.

Spring summer is Zucchini time. I wouldn’t even be a little more, the fresh summer or the three courgettes in the garden that were pflanzed and the courgettes along the side of the door are rushing. Ratatouille and filled Zucchini – in Germany Zucchini – are so beautiful and good, but late in August you have to change it. The way to nature is never lost, but here are my tips, one of the filled Zucchini Flu is:

Haltbar Editing

If you also want to enjoy some summer garden fruit in winter, you should do this immediately. If it is good, it is time to use the right amount of water, but the courgettes are increasingly easier to wash. There are many examples that can be used. This can be a hilarious event, but it could be that there is a lack of moisture. So cut the courgettes into wedges or wedges and sprinkle with salt in a bowl (don’t forget the wedge!) . Let it cook for a few minutes and then wash it out. Shipping the courgettes can be closed airtight and frozen. Fresh, red courgettes are 6 to 12 months old.

If you use the Tiefkühler method, you stop the courgette with verlängern. Here it may be that most people imagine: a few courgettes and a large amount of courgette pesto.

Framed zucchini

Power supply: 100 ml Essig, 50 ml Wasser, 1 EL Senfkörner, 3 Knoblauchzehen grob hackt, 1TL Salz, 1TL Zucker, 1 Zucchetti, Kräuter nach Wahl (beispielsweise Dille and Lorbeerblätter)
So, let’s put it this way: Essig, Wasser, Senfkörner, Knoblauch, Salz und Zucker zum Kochen. Geschnittene Zucchetti und Kräuter in a bought glass geben. With the Essigmischung übergiessen, the Flussigkeit sollte the Zucchetti completely covered. If you don’t do it anymore, it is Essig and Wasser in Verhältnis 2:1 heating and filling. Auf dem Kopf auskühlenlassen.
Haltility: Approximately two or three weeks in the Kühlschrank. For a longer break, the zucchini can continue cooking in the kitchen.
Tips: The Kräuter itself can have a big chance. Who is there with a Thymian-variant or with a zero-Drückten Chilischote?

A few courgettes and large amounts of courgette pesto are not just tasty, they are also great as a side dish. Image: © Rhonda Müller.
Zucchini Pesto

Power supply: 200 g zucchini, 20 g basil, 50 g grated parmesan cheese, 50 g pine nuts, 100 ml olive oil, 1 knoblauchzehe, salt
So, let’s put it this way: Zucchetti grob reiben, in sieb geben with it was Salz mix. Weld for about 10 minutes and then pour in the water. All products in a hohes-gefäss are geben and with a Stabmixer purieren. Je nach gewünschter Konsistenz more Öl dazugeben. Mit Salz abschmecken und abfullen. Glass with olive oil, so that’s pesto.
Haltility: After about a week in the kitchen, it’s less fun to do some super frying or a little cooking.
Tips: Here you see that they disappear after trust. Who is there with Pecorino and Parmesan cheese? Or Cashew nuts anstatt Pine cores?

To use

Where to go after creative methods such as, Zucchini in Gerichten subsaturating, is right here. The classic recipe with Ratatouille becomes more natural, but after Zucchini-Schwemme you must often cause solutions here. A variation, which started years ago, is the hiding of Zucchini in a cake. It is not super tasty and safe, nor unpleasant. Is the end product therefore a heavy Gemüse-Verschmäher-geeignet, that could be, that it would have turned into a classic Chocolate-dessert cake?

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Power supply: 3 Egg, 120g Zucker, 120ml Pflanzenöl, 250g Mehl, 1TL Backpulver, 1 Price Salz, 350g geriebene Zucchetti, 100g dunkle Schokolade grated, 100g dunkle Schokolade hacked, 1 Handful grob zerbrochene Walnüsse
So, let’s put it this way: Eier und Zucker schumig schlagen, Öl darunter rühren. Mix the salt with backpulver and salt. A Drittel der Mehlmischung met der Zucchetti-vermischen. Mix well with egg whites, then add chocolate, walnuts and zucchini. Shaped into a spine and baked for approx. 50 minutes at 180°C Upper/Unterhitze.

If you have a glaze, you can hide that kitchen like a whole zucchini. Image: © Rhonda Müller.

If Pandora’s book is a little more appealing, it may be that the courgettes in brownies, guetzli or waffles – the creditworthiness without borders has arisen. Even in heart-healthy foods courgettes can be hidden after pleasure and laune – beipiesweise in Gemüsenuggets or in heart-healthy pancakes. There are a few things that can lead to ideas that can lead to the fact that the courgette is a problem with a Gurke treatment. Zucchettisalat is for example a super Beilage for summer grilling. Or man bought a stop, but he was a Ratatouille.

About us: If the problem occurs, the problem with the Blüten der Zucchetti will be solved. If you eat it or fry it, it is a real delicacy. It can happen that the men are used blue, but those small fruit images are displayed. The women are very tasty and somewhat larger – also perfect for filling.

We wish we had a great time!