
Golden Title Championship for Elva Siebenlist

Golden Title Championship for Elva Siebenlist

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Golden Title Championship for Elva Siebenlist
Elva Siebenlist with the Gold Medal. © Red

Bergheimerin won the Europameisterschaft with the German U15 Mixed team.

Bergheim. Elva Siebenlist can’t quite realize it yet. “It’s surreal, that’s the European master since,” said the 15th century on the back of the Frankfurt Flughafen in the Heimatort Bergheim. The gold medal is one of Hals who says that everything “isn’t a trauma”. Elva Siebenlist won the Flag-Football-Europameisterschaft in Serbia with the German U15-Mixed team.

Before the start of Belgrade, the National Theater experienced a Coup. »Before spending a year in Italy on our Platz fun. Let’s have a medal here, see it. That is the Ende Gold-wurde, it is so beautiful.

It’s a delight for Turnier’s start, more like holprig. And heavy abseits from the Platzes. »That Organization war schlecht. Unser buchtes Hotel stand nicht more zur Refügung. “Your nursing must have a sense of self-care”, reports Elva Siebenlist. The German German Betreuer team is near the Anreisetages in the hotel about 30 bus minutes from Spielort. One of the treatises can be easily arranged.

In terms of sport, the team started in the free time with a 28:20 follow-up against Finland in the group stage. Elva called the seven-man list “the toughest opponents” of the combined tournaments. “But we had to play for the first time.” In the match, further victories followed against defending champions Italy (33:32), the Slovakian (34:28) and Spain (26:25). “Those were really hearty and tight games. The fact that it is a small runaway ball here, the Bergheimer focuses on an enormous performance density and a risen level in the comparison to the previous year. Moreover, it is the case that it is “a strong and athletic Spaniard and a clever coup that is never an honest Italian player”. Was auffiel: The German U15 Mixed Team, which consists of 50 Prozent from Jungs and 50 Prozent from Mädels, was actually in their own Spiel zurück. »Thank you to our sensational morals with our matches.«

It was otherwise sweet in the form of a sonntag in the Halffinal in Österreich. Deutschland started during a Touchdown in Führung. End of the spätere Europameister deutlich with 50:33. In the endgame a few things you can do when you take a photo: Great Britain führte lange. »Then in the second half you see a bold Leistungssteigerung and winnowing 46:39«, as Elva Siebenlist. I am Anschluss and this inheritance Aufholjagd kannte der Jubel keine Grenzen. Directly to the Spielfeld and später während a small Feier in Hotel.

In general, the Bergheimerin looks back on a great day in Belgrade. »I have had a superior with the other German teams and the foreign competition understandings, and often also together.« Less beautiful: Those 15 years have played a major role.

The regeneration period is not yet complete, it is now active for three clubs and the start. Play Flag Football for the Kelkheim Lizzards in the 1. Frauen-Liga and for the U16 Mixed Team of Rhein Main Rockets in Offenbach. This is the case for the Frauen der Wetterau Bulls in the classic Tackle-Football in the active Hessen league.

One of Elva’s biggest achievements is a natural list for August: Flag Football at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. That will of course be with Germany. By Torben Frieborg (tfr)

Elva Siebenlist (left) in Spiel gegen Italien. © Red