
Papenburg: Immer mehr Radfahrer mit schweren Kopfverletzungen

Papenburg: Immer mehr Radfahrer mit schweren Kopfverletzungen

Another medical malfunction in Papenburg schlagen Alarm: The Marien hospital is no longer useful, and it is not the case that there is a verletzter Fahrradfahrer in the Notaufnahme landet. I was able to live together in common: I wear my helmet.

Dr. Thomas Klapperich: Higher risks in the field of e-bikes

“We register a Zunahme der Verletzungen im Bereich des Kopfes”, says Chief Surgeon Dr. Thomas Klapperich. The Zahl der Affected set themselves apart from all Alter groups.

Die Ursache? The duration of the e-bikes is more information about the route on the road. Let the Geschwindigkeiten by the electric Unterstützung higher see. The follow: “The injury risk rises”, explains Klapperich. Another problem is that the head injuries are.

Andrea Antons at Unfall in Walchum as Ersthelferin vor Ort

The blessing Collegiate Andrea Antons is still a fresh memory at that time. On Sunday, September 1, 2024, a mother started a tour with my family in Walchum Schlimm. The police war with the 33-year-old bike with the time that they cost more money for a year. The young man remained uninjured. The woman’s head is on its way to a ball that has landed on the Fahrbahn, reports Antons. “You broke out of your nose and ears.”

The Fachkraft für Notfallpflege aus Kluse-Ahlen was zufällig as Ersthelferin zur Stelle. If your husband is a man, you can’t use him. In the following pages you will find another rettungshubschrauber.

That tragic autumn is typical of Antons’ view. “That was a separate family. All four children wear a helmet, which is not an Eltern.”

It is not possible to eat in the first line Knochenbrüche

Whoever Antons reported further, the woman had a huge flat on the head and his next name was. “I have indeed seen a few. After the war had started – on children’s day”, he said.

If head injuries are so dangerous, their bone fracture is not an unavoidable problem, Klapperich explains. “The bone fracture is not the problem.” It is a matter of thinking about a bone fracture. If you use an extinguishing agent or extinguishing agent, you must make a fracture. It is possible to do this. Follow the instructions on the motor problems or weight loss.

Ebenfalls gefährlich seien schwere Mittelgesichtsfracturen. If you suffer from problems with growth or hardening for a longer period of time, so chat.

Radfahrer zte mit dem Kopf voran durch Heckscheibe aines Pkw

The Leiterin der Notaufnahme, Sabrina Sanders, reports from an etwa 50-year-old man. Dessen Verletzungen nach a Radunfall have been so heavy, that is inzwischen in a Pflegeheim life.

Other paintings are horror scenarios. When Sanders generates his own energy with a radar, it is a good car-car and with the head “through the heckscheibe geflogen” is. If we know that it is so that we have been, then it is straight reconstructed, the message of Sanders.

When you know there is a trap, the glimpse is gone. From a single source: The Radfahrer protected a helmet. So it is a new kind of situation that you were hit by a car crash and hit by the mirror on the head. “Der Helm was broken,” Sanders said.

Gebrochener Helmet met Anschauungsobjekt voor Schulungen

In another Fall for two weeks we saw a woman on a Radtour in Schlingern Geraten, with my Rad nach hinten kipped and schwer gestürzt. Go to the back of the head and the back. Gebrochen were außer Bein and Fuß auch der Helm. Der Kopf aber blieb weitgehend unvershrt.

The Helmet of Radfahrerin bekam Sanders presents. There is an Anschauungsobjekt for Schulungen Nutzen.

Beispiele wie diese veranlassen Klapperich & Co. zu einem öffentlichen Appell an jeden Radfahrer, einen Helm zu Slowen. “Have a good life,” Sanders says. When we found out, one of our lectures was in the note how you would see it, and it was a gesetzliche helmpflicht. If optical grounds on the Schutz get his sight, there are false demands.

Radfahrer airbag as an alternative to a helmet

This is an inherently “stylish” model, according to Sanders. Antons requires an alternative to the Radfahrer-Airbag, the man is a neck length. Viele Radfahrer seien mittlerweile black with Helmet on the road. Insgesamt “since aber leader never neither zu wenig”, states Antons fest.

It is not possible to remain in the closet for a severe injury at Radfahrern. A role plays with alcohol on alcohol, nasses Laub, rutschige Fahrbahn or Onnachtsamkeit at Passieren van Pollern or Straßenschilderen.

“I have put on a helmet” – this knowledge comes from Fahrradunfallopfern that is often heard, says Sabrina Sanders. Behind it is the man of Schlauer, white of Volksmund. When you step on the pedals, it is so that it comes from the note.