
Fünf Medals and two Gymnastics for the 1. Fuldaer Judo Club

Fünf Medals and two Gymnastics for the 1. Fuldaer Judo Club

The first September weeks war of the 1st Fuldaer JC during the two turns – Photo: Verein

Unterwegs in Hesse and Thuringia

14.09.24 – During the September week, the judokas of the 1. Fuldaer Judo Club were at the end of the year and were able to receive their medals for themselves. Christian Krüger works in Schmalkalden after his silver medals in the next Gold medal. Marharyta Sharova is on the Hessenmeisterschaften U13 in Neuhof eine Bronzemedaille.

Beim traditionalellen Hans-Dieter (Mandy) Clemen Gedenkturnier in Thüringischen Schmalkalden kämpften Judoka aus Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Saxony, Hesse, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Garn zu Ehren von “Mandy”, dem Gründer and longjährigen Vorsitzenden des SV Schmalkalden 04.

In the Altersklassen U18, U20, U30, U45, U55 and Ü55 were the most exciting Kämpfe zu seehen. The war toll and the demonstration of the “Altesten” demonstrations, judo is no longer a sport art for young athletes. Vom 1. Fuldaer Judo-Club went four Kämpfer and den Start. All could find a place at the place of work. Christian Krüger (-66 kg, U30) is dependent on the Silver Medal in the Folge which is worth using Gold Medal. Silver a Meruzahn Tatoian (-100 kg, Ü55) and Detlef in der Mühle (-81 kg, Ü55). Bronze supported Mahmoud Zin Aldin (-75 kg, U30) bei.

Zeitgleich and in Neuhof the Hessian Einzelmeisterschaft in the Altersklassen U11 and U13 statt. Here are the most judo exercises in the country. Especially the most important data of Jan Hartmann and Marharyta Sharova. Hartmann (U13, -40 kg) has to work in the Kämpfen (four Siege) on the 5. Platz hart erarbeiten. There is a tolle Leistung and there is war with much damage, but it is not possible that there is a Podestplatz. Sharova (U13, -48 kg) is a day on a platz on the Siegertreppchen zu sichern. If Morena Plantera von Blau-Weiß Wellerode is defeated, she can protect the Zwillingsschwester Chiara against the Matte gehen. Also Kira Reimuth (TVG Nentershausen) and Sarah Wiechert (1. Judoverein Langen) are masters with Ippon in the Schranken and certainly of the bronze Edelmetall. (pm) +++