
Health: Unicef ​​​​starts Notfallausschreibung for Mpox-Impfstoff

Health: Unicef ​​​​starts Notfallausschreibung for Mpox-Impfstoff

In Africa, the Zahl von Mpox-Erkrankungen und Todesfällen is increasing. (Archive image)
In Africa, the Zahl von Mpox-Erkrankungen und Todesfällen is increasing. (Archive image)


The Uno-Kinderhilfswerk of Unicef ​​​​has carried out a notification for the start of impfstoffen in the fight against the Mpox epidemic in more federal states. If you secure the production of impfstoffen and the production ausweiten.

“One of the recovery’s production capacities and financing activities could lead to one million doses by 2025,” says Unicef ​​​​in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the vaccine agency Gavi and the Africa Centers for Cancer Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

Im Rahmen der Ausschreibung plant Unicef, Lieferabkommen unter Vorbehalt abzuschliessen. It became a Uno-Hilfswerk “in the lower verses, a verzögerung impfstoffe to purchase and to be sent, when the federal states and partners arrange the financial financing, become the nachfrage and the best company, and the relevant regulations for the Annahme der Impfstoffe gegeben since “.

Health message

In Africa, the Zahl von Mpox-Erkrankungen und Todesfällen is increasing. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, more than 18,000 suspected cases were reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including 629 cases.

In July, the Democratic Republic reported the fall in Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. The WHO report has given Mitte August a healthy message of international tragedies.

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