
Entscheidung über Kooperation mit Wilhelmshaven steht an

Entscheidung über Kooperation mit Wilhelmshaven steht an

The Rat der Stadt Wilhelmshaven has appealed to the health care of the Klinikums Wilhelmshaven with the Frisian Kliniken gestimmt. Am the two of them are different from the region of Fryslân with their themes.

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Friesland/Wilhelmshaven – In Wilhelmshaven, the city in the city has acquired a clear image and the first Schritt becomes: the Klinikum Wilhelmshaven and the Frisian Kliniken sollen from the Sicht der Wilhelmshavener sister ammengeführt. Now is the Frisian Seite an der Reihe met een Entscheidung: Am Mittwoch, 14. August beschäftigt sich der Kreisauschuss des Landkreises Fryslân met de Klinik-Thematik.

Before the Sitzung, the Kreistagsgruppe besthed of CDU, ZW and UWG has established an entprechenden Antrag. Please contact us in the Landkreis Fryslân for possible treatment in clinical care with Wilhelmshaven. Together with this “Projektgesellschaft” the two Körperschaften would be gründet. The legal form of the Gesellschaft is not a party. An external power study will take place in the Auftrag. In these cases, all aspects of hereditary orders, economics, medicine and structures have been taken into account with a certain kind of preparation for a suitable clinical and outpatient care. The cost of the Friesland and Wilhelmshaven jewels for half of the tragedies.

If you notice an anthracite in this form, it is offensive. Denn im Kreisauschuss hat de Friese Ampel (SPD, Grüne, FDP) de Mehrheit. Laut des Gruppensprechers, Sören Mandel (SPD), has a man from his own Antrag in Beratung.

The sitting starts at 2.30 pm and is not open to the public.

Jonas Hegen