
Pflegekammer NRW warns against heißem Herbst in Kinderkliniken

Pflegekammer NRW warns against heißem Herbst in Kinderkliniken

Düsseldorf. The care chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia does not leave behind. Be warned with a wink to the herbal period before the long time span is low in the care of child, youth and child labor.

The personal situation in the children’s clinic is very long ago, said the chairwoman of the children’s clinic Sandra Postel. “People can tell a different story: it will take a long time before the Kipppunkt starts.” Postel feared that the annual infection wave in the fall, how big the problems at the station are.

On a sunny day the Verantwort does not take longer with another absence of personal data as a single Answer respond, concrete is. Therefore take eine Gefährdung der Kinder in Koop.

Die Pflege braucht systematic Weiterqualifikationen

The RSV implementation in the standard catalog of the Krankenkassen can take place in the pediatric clinic of a massive Entlastung Führen, such as Postel. Hilfe focuses on finding the Abschlagszahlungen, the Kliniken at the Unterschreitung der Personaluntergrenze entrichten müssen. “The Arbeitsgruppe Kinderkrankenpflege innerhalb der Kammer ha vorgeschlagen, these Einnahmen nicht im System versickern, without the care staff zugutekommen zu lassen.”

Handlungen look at the Kammerpräsidentin at the Pflegeausbildung. “After the general view for all institutions is set, this systematic Further qualification for children’s nursing is activated.” Necessary is a modern construction system for absentees and absentees in the nursing. “Education provides security and care quality here.” (is)