
Durch Kontakt zu Lebensmitteln: Chemikalien aus Verpackungen landen in Menschen

Durch Kontakt zu Lebensmitteln: Chemikalien aus Verpackungen landen in Menschen

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Chemical products from packaging land in people

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Fast everything, if you can buy a food item in the supermarket, is packaged. If life is free, fresh or soft, the materials were different. These often chemical substances, life and viability become a problem in the countries of the country.

Viele Chemikalien can use Lebensmittelverpackungen und -verarbeitung in de Nahrung-tuning und van dort in Menschen übergehen. An investigation into the results of the Vielzahl study has produced a new systematic research study, which appeared in the Fachblatt “Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology”. Insgesamt seien 3601 solcher zum Teil gesundheitsschädlichen Fremdstoffe in Menschen gefunden zijn, etwa in Blut, Urin, Haaren and Muttermilch.

Among the chemical compounds that are traded, there is a good Food Contact Chemicals (FCCs). These are used in the products, while they are being used, processed, packaged and served. The compounds are formed, among other things, by the chemicals that generate PFAS, the phthalate of the Weichmacher, the metals that cause the industrial chemical bisphenol. More than 14,000 FCCs have written the Fachleute. With 3,601 it is also possible to become a Viertel davon in Menschen nachgewiesen.

During the study, research was conducted into the gemeinnützigen Stiftung Food Packaging Forum (FPF) with Sitz in Zurich in der Schweiz. The erggebnisse is a full-fledged mathematical company that conducted a study on the Martin Scheringer Foundation, from the Masaryk-Universität in the Czech Republic and from the ETH Zurich, and co-authored the study. The Seriosität der Stiftung bestätigt auch Andreas Schäffer, emeritus professor for Ökotoxikologie and Umweltrisikobewertung der RWTH Aachen, the niece of one of the studies started war.

Packaging must be more secure

The FPF will die during the data gained by the study on an interactive platform of the FCChumon database for the easy processing of machines. This is the moment when the Datenbanken of the FCCs are published, the online verfügable is. The autorinnen and autorenners of the study, the plattform expertsinnen and experts who serve, make the material of the machine.

“Unsere Research proposes a connection between chemicals, which come with life support, the exhibition and the human health here”, explains the Erstautorin Birgit Geueke vom FPF. “There is an important demand for the prevention and protection of health.”

In this research we have done the Forschenden study, which can use these chemicals and other source strains, as well as Arzneimitteln, Haushaltsgegenständen and Pflegeprodukten.

There is a chemical that contains bisphenol A (BPA) that is administered orally through the contact material that does not work. So their hormones work with the same chemical substance-non in the best products such as baby bottles-verboten. Other material things were funded. In total, hundreds of FCCs are investigating the transfer of food contact material into food.

The chemical substances that come out of the research must have the healthy effect, while the effect of the erbguts hervorrufen, the fortpflanzung is carried out, in the hormonal household of the human or if it is continued in the cooking time. Everything comes to the Conzentration of Substances. Co-author Jane Muncke (ebenfalls FPF) explains, when it comes to study, the Safety of Lebensmittelcontactmaterial zu verbesern. New written texts have appeared, while others have found alternative alternatives.

There is still a lot of data

The chance of chemical substances is that there is little or no impure data in the toxic substance, which shakes off the liquid. The roads can not use a certain verwendung. This can no longer last if the FCC study is carried out together with the FCC. “It is clear that people have postponed more FCCs, if this message is sent, that the wirschaftliche literature is now for a small group of chemical substances during the investigation.”

Other FCCs that are involved in biomonitoring programs can’t use überwacht at all. So while synthetic antioxidants and oligomers are used in humans, it’s not like the mitautorin Ksenia Groh of the Wasserforschungsinstitut Eawag in der Schweiz is used. “Our research says that antioxidants mix their production and our extensive production of plastics in the best programs.” If you want to know that these verbs and other operations are possible.

Study “weight closer and clearer”

Der stiftungsratsvorsitzende Scheringer resümiert, dass in de Materialien, die mit Lebensmitteln in Berührung kommen, een erstaunlich hohe Zahl and gefährlichen Chemikalien were used. “It is a management regime, and it is best to put an end to a problem and eliminate life-threatening materials.”

The chemicals used are one of the chemicals that contain the poly- and fluorinated substances or the phthalates present in plastics that contain a chemical – also for most other chemicals. “The study is one of the most important research and pathfinders, the human for inventing products in the life cycle of his work.”

Also Hubertus Brunn, Food and Environmental Toxicologist at the University of Giessen, is conducting a study on nachdenken. There are people who have undergone the fragile development in the struggle and politics, “where these substances in the lifelong contact material have all the advantages and the person can be affected as little as possible by meager or harmless substances or materials”.