
Neun Jahre Haft für Mann in England

Neun Jahre Haft für Mann in England

Weil is one of the right-wing extremists in England, a fireman in front of a hotel with asylum seekers, that is a man who can become a new year. If you continue with the punishment, the roads of Krawall will be hung, and report to the British Nachrichtenagentur PA. The war of 27 years that is filmed, is the anger of politicians.

If the autumn is one of the worst, it is that the Angriffs are civilized, as the Judge of the Sheffield Crown Courts after the Angaben of PA. A mob attacked a hotel in the North on August 4.

If there is a problem, there is a problem in a Müllcontainer, which is blocking the exit of the debts, reports PA. In the hotel, 22 employees were barricaded in a panic room and kept for an hour. In the family in Raum Rotherham, more than 200 asylum seekers were housed.

More than 200 people attended

Before a war occurs, there is talk of right-wing radical Ausschreitungen in more British city-states. More than 200 people were killed. PA will draw attention to most cases of a half-penalty.

At the Ausschreitungen were the Dutzende Polizisten who made sure that more and more could be plundered. During a war war in the city of Southport, during the three months war, a new civil war was fought. In the social economy, the dispersal of a Muslim migrant is considered a Muslim.

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