
Mercedes starts with the first E-Fernlaster eActros600 – Brummi unter Strom

Mercedes starts with the first E-Fernlaster eActros600 – Brummi unter Strom

Brummi under Strom
Mercedes launched the first E-Fernlaster eActros600

First Fahrrad, then Pkw, Motorrad und jetzt auch noch Lkw: Electromobility is mittlerweile fast überall. Mercedes has made the Actros electric and will relieve the burden on fossil energy and local energy suppliers. In Kürze soll der PS-starke E-Brummi loseroles.

I am in modern times with the electromobility with a flying Roadster. But in the year 16 after the Tesla had left the electromobility, so along the straight Spur. If you use more hp restorers on the battery, then see the sweren youths after and the lastwagen that rolls into the loading bed.

Zum Pionier will become a few more Mercedes, which will start later when the electric version of the eActros600 starts. The price of the fortress for an E-Car price is: the weight of a current costs about 2.5%, which amounts to a Diesel-Pendant.

Lkw-Bauer thinks in other dimensions

In order to move quickly, with a speed of 40 tons and even more heavy loads, thinking of the Lastwagenbauer in dimensions, both of these Pkw-Fahrer could now easily be supported: The two engines, which were a four-speed drive in the Hinterachse angeschlagen, led together 600 kW/816 hp and more than in the best super sports car.

Two engines with an output of 816 hp and a four-speed motor drive the eActros600 from Mercedes. Two engines with an output of 816 hp and a four-speed motor drive the eActros600 from Mercedes.

Two engines with an output of 816 hp and a four-speed motor drive the eActros600 from Mercedes.

(Photo: Daimler Truck AG/dpa-tmn)

If the Pkw-Entwickler with battery size of 100 kWh prahlen, hang here three Blöcke von jewels 207 kWh in Rahmen – sodas at the end run 600 kWh ustzbare Energie with Verfügung Stehen, with an Actros in the best Fall 500 Kilometers Fahren kann.

Ladepause – wörtlich taken

It is impressive, but the goal is not even a dash at the Steuer that an einsatz-run has to make every hour, and it is an often rentable bet. Therefore would not be loaded with a load, but another geklotzt: Schon heute lädt der Actros with 400 kW and damned schneller than the allermeistenten Pkw.

After a Fahrtstrecke of the maximum beef 500 Kilometers of the E-Brummi and the Ladesäule. After a Fahrtstrecke of the maximum beef 500 Kilometers of the E-Brummi and the Ladesäule.

After a Fahrtstrecke of the maximum beef 500 Kilometers of the E-Brummi and the Ladesäule.

(Photo: Daimler Truck AG/dpa-tmn)

When the grid operators finally put an end to the production of products, Daimler equips the truck for megawatt-charged nights. Then add 30 minutes to the hub of 20 minutes after 80 minutes. Aber schon jetzt fly in de Zwangspause, die een Lkw-Fahrer nach 4,5 Stunden Lenkzeit machen muss, so Strom fell, that’s über den Rest seiner Schicht kommt.

Driving with the little finger and the bigger Zeh

Yes, the technical data are nach perspective fascinating or furchteinflößend – genau wie de Fahrzeug itself is, als het grote en meerkrachtig als de Eiger-Nordwand een uphill movement makes. After we first had written a letter that was on a Hochsitz in the Wald, Sessel in the air-federated Sessel had fallen less and with the Lenkrad-freundet, the big family pizza that lies in front of the Bauch, is a bit the following excess: Trotz Seiner The weight and the weight are lower than the colossi in a small wagon.

Einfaches Handling: Abgesehen von seiner schieren Größe lässt sich der Lkw is quickly conducted with a Pkw. Einfaches Handling: Abgesehen von seiner schieren Größe lässt sich der Lkw is quickly conducted with a Pkw.

Einfaches Handling: Abgesehen von seiner schieren Größe lässt sich der Lkw is quickly conducted with a Pkw.

(Photo: Daimler Truck AG/dpa-tmn)

Much more than the little finger and the larger Zeh is not needed. If you make a route description to the Sattelzug-mühelos in Fahrt, the motorway is a child’s play and pass roads in the Schrecken.

And the misery of the drowsiness and the wobbling of the machine room of a power plant at a fernen-erbeben, now restores a certain peace. A machine that is firmly on the armature board, can itself be used.

More modern Arbeitsplatz: Die Rückspiegel im eActros600 can be used throughout the room and the monitor. More modern Arbeitsplatz: Die Rückspiegel im eActros600 can be used throughout the room and the monitor.

More modern Arbeitsplatz: Die Rückspiegel im eActros600 can be used throughout the room and the monitor.

(Photo: Daimler Truck AG/dpa-tmn)

Nur muss man in Kurven etwas weiter ausholen and immer wieder auf de Monitore der digital Außenspiegel schauen, damn man nicht ringsum alles abräumt.

Bremsen with the right hand

Assembling the E-Fahrer on Bremsen: Während Trucker in the Hebel at the Lenkrad of the Motorbremse, the sogenante Retarder, gewohnt sind, staunen Autofahrer nicht schlecht, wie fell Verzögerung de zum Generator umgepolten E-Motoren ermöglichen.

If the last tatsächlich is quick zum Stillstand Bremst (and the money fell for the Verschleißteile wie Bremsscheiben spart), the Akkustand tapfer wieder in the Höhe. Your nach Topography and Tonnagen can be as short as 50, 100 Kilometers einsammeln.

Conclusion: the better choice

There is nothing more, but it is not that it offers more comfort in the cabin – in the ground is the electric actros of the Fernlaster. A glaubt man of Mercedes market research, at least two thirds of all customers also come with the 500 kilometers of real estate through the day. How often the electromobility on a load truck makes a chop – the price. The eActros costs about 2.5 euros, so a diesel and a starter motor costs 250,000 euros.

If the State takes over the Lkw-Maut from Stromer and no longer spends money with foreign private operators, the financing itself is increasingly financed. Otherwise, if a pkw is a load wagon that does not fall under 300,000, the price of 1.2 million kilometers goes up and the time is four times as long, so that the costs of depreciation are lower. Vom besseren Gewissen and the attached working conditions completely refuse.