
Traisental: Jungwinzer vor den Vorhang

Traisental: Jungwinzer vor den Vorhang

Younger Köpfe brings a breath of fresh air to the Weinbrauche, in that classic family winery with a new idea on the Kopf set.

REGION. A new generation of wine growers is exploring the wine world and bringing fresh momentum to the tradition-rich sector – natural side and side of their family, from which even the older generations have continued to work. The acquired knowledge of young modern combinations of knowledge with traditions can be developed and developed by a new, young and own handwriting. There is a problem with the three Traisentaler Nachwuchswinzern.

All roads lead home

Johanna Müllner from Unterwölbling has been a little girl for 27 years who knows: “I can grow up with the business and with three schwesterns Eltern has once sat in the Weinkeller- or Garten-garden. It would not be that I took over the Hof, if I could, if I wanted to. Although I have made my matura from interest in a wine growing school, I also wanted to make progress in other directions and have studied Marketing. Nevertheless, that is what it is like to be at home. ” Mittlerweile kümmert itself the young woman has the classic profit in the garden and the cellar for all marketing and events. If you have your own idea, do not come any further:

“My brain project is my own Weinlinie inner half without Betriebs. Once you have eaten a glass of wine, you can make a classic sorting between the ‘Bubbles Pet Nat Rosé’ and the Riesling ‘thousand grapes’.

Der Bubbles Pet Nat Rosé by Johanna Müllner | Photo: zVg

The love for nature

Seit der Kinderstube goes to Georg Schabasser in the Weingarten. At the age of 24 it would be that the bet will take place.

“Für mich is das Best, das abwechselnde Arbeiten in and for everything with nature. Jedes Weinjahr has its own story and is so exciting,” he says.

Make sure that you carry out the Traubenverarbeitung of the Weinlese and the Pflanzenschutz in the Vegetation Period. However, the Jungwinzer is a natural person who is quickly informed: “My Wunsch is the Weinbau that calls on the machine. Those Trauben that can be enjoyed all year round and that they can enjoy themselves beautifully in Glass, is always someone special for me.”

Georg Schabasser from Unterwölbling. | Photo: zVg

Marmalade from Leiden

Neben Weintrauben bauen velde Winzer oder noch zijn Obst an, wie beisplayelsweise Marillen. Besonders can use the large Auswahl and Marmeladen and Säften ist der Obst- and Weinhof Altenriederer in Nußdorf ob der Traisen. With her 20 years of age, the young chef Anna Altenriederer is self-concerned for the Marmeladen production sister, packs aber in all others Bereichen wie Logistik, Büro and Verkauf flexible with a:

„I am in my own business environment, so I know everything and can achieve optimal results in my own business position. There is a new project: my new garden and the preserves.”

Proud of the radiant power of the young wine stars, one thing would be forgotten: a winery is a one-man show. “Without a family, a team and a couple that is more than now a head behind the goose”, Müllner rushes the work in the family nunnerehmen together.

Der Obst- und Weinhof Altenriederer offers rich snacks. | Photo: Huber

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