
New Photos from Berlin Zoo: Panda Zwillinge Knacken 1-Kilo-Marke | Regional

New Photos from Berlin Zoo: Panda Zwillinge Knacken 1-Kilo-Marke | Regional

Berlin – If Panda-Jungtier hat man is wirklich sehr schwer: drink, drink, kiss …

They both die Mädchen, they die on August 22 in the Berlin Zoo with the Welt Kamen, entwickeln sich rasant. Laut Zoo has cracked the smallest kilo market. The firstborn Panda-Nachwuchs weighs 1202, the smaller Schwester 1140 Gramm.

“I would have a great experience with the spinning tops of the two youngsters,” said Biologist and Panda Curator Dr. Florian Sicks. “Nach der Farbung der Haut wächst ihnen inzwischen nun auch das black Fell. Später wird die Haut Darunter wieder rosafarben.“

Muttermilch is not Number 1

Berlin Panda Nachwuchs are delicious

Berlin Panda Nachwuchs are delicious

Photo: 2024 Zoo Berlin

Bisher ernähren ich de Zwillinge nor ausschließlich von Muttermilch. The Trink phases are no longer like this, but the Kuschel phases last longer.

Sicks: “Wir können good beobachten, wie Meng Meng durch übergiebige Pflegeeinheiten instinctiv die Verdauung derboth Jungtiere ankurbelt.”

Panda fans do not brauch nor patience

The Panda-Babys trinken inzwischen are no more than four times in the Tag, then the jewels are etwa 70 to 80 milliliters. The lives of the two have not yet been resolved.

When you enter Zwillinge for zoo visitors Berlin Since then, it is unknown. There is a first impression of the hint on the „Panda Garden“.

What was an amazing momentSeltenes Panda-Glück in video

Was for a toller Moment: Seltenes Panda-Glück in video

Source: Berlin Zoo